Chapter 214 - The Council With The Emperor

"You lost control of Dolatia?" Glaring down at Nabe from his dignified throne, the emperor wore a deep scorn.


Her head bowed in shame, Nabe felt compelled to lie to get out of the strenuous situation. However, knowing better than anyone that her lies won't last long in front of the emperor, she looked him in the eye and spit the truth right out.


"Yes, my lord. The people have rebelled and they seem to be allying with any group that wants to threaten your throne," gulping down, she waited, panting for the emperor's next move toward her.


Being a devil, she was a master of deception, but trying to keep her demonic presence a secret from the emperor her body was being stripped of mana quickly. With every second that passed in silence between the two, she could hear her heart beating faster and faster.


'Thankfully, Michael isn't here.' Finding a silver lining to the situation, she tried to comfort her heart.