Chapter 215 - Return To The Land Of Ice

The tundra had returned and even consumed the once prosperous land of Laria. Stoned into ice, the forest, the cities, and even the mercenaries who'd come in search of plunder were all frozen solid by the breath of the maddened dragon.


Even from afar as their wagon struggled through the raging blizzard, the silhouette frame of Klianstien Ironfrost could clearly be seen resting on top of the Frost castle. Moving closer and closer to the outskirts of the duchy, the very liquid in their bloodstreams was slowly freezing into shards.


Bleeding from every pore in their bodies, Haruki and his companions kept healing each other to keep each other far away from death's door. The one exception to the effects of cold was the shrunken Lamia who'd been forced to shift into a similar human form to that of her snake-like body. 


"Is it really that cold?" She asked, feeling no discomfort at all.