Chapter 310 - The People Of A Fallen Faith

After wandering the streets of Marquis through his portal, Razor took to being a commoner wearing the layman's clothes. Walking around the streets without being limited by his mana, he had much more room to explore before having to take a rest outside the city. 


So far, all he's seen was the everyday lives of the inhabitants with nothing truly out of the ordinary. Had he not known that the kingdom was being controlled by a demon, he would've been duped into believing this place to be just another regular kingdom.


"Well…" Resting a pouch filled with gold on the guilt's reception, Razor settled into a chair and glanced up at the attendant present. "Where's everyone? No adventurers in town?"


Her back turned away from Razor, the receptionist kept dusting the wine glasses stacked on the shelf behind the counter. One after the other, she would pick one out and clean them with a wet cloth before setting them back into their spot.