Chapter 311 - Internal Conflict And A Deadly Mistake

Like any other day, Serena was gracefully making her way to the infirmary to heal Azalea and her company's wounds, however, walking through a barrage of grimm, shaken looks from the guards, she could feel a sense of bizarre tension lingering in the air.


Without a word of questioning, she made her way to the wounded girl's room, but to her surprise, Azalea was nowhere to be found. Confused by the sight of the empty bed, she made her way outside to finally question the guards about what was happening.


"Where is the girl?" She asked, trying her best to make herself look composed.


The guards remained silent with their heads hanging down. Breezing her sight past the elvens, Serena turned to her acolyte, and with but a gaze she passed her thoughts onto them. Moving around the makeshift infirmary, the acolytes quickly surrounded the place and had a chasm of dark magic floating around their fingers.