Chapter 312 - Chasing Phantoms And Memories

It had been a few days since Haruki and his light army set up camp near the demi-tigers and demi-wolf clans, and in that time, Maria had managed to capture quite a handful of both clans with the help from the provided army.


Setting up traps, and ambushes everywhere she could, she was for once feeling confident that her head would remain where it belonged for at least a while longer. Aiding her in creating reports, Riley on the other end was having some seriously insidious problems that she could not reveal to anyone.


"Hey, are you okay?" Noticing the swiftwind spy's breath growing heavier, Maria rose from her seat and grabbed onto her hand. The moment her skin made contact, however, she was forced to draw away as her skin was burned by Riley's raging fever. "What the?!"


"Sit down!" Her teeth gritted in rage, Riley pushed the strategist back into her seat. "Don't you dare touch me you piece of shit garbage!"