
Today, I was delighted to be outside with Hermoine, commencing our lessons for the day.

Typically, Hermoine was quite jovial, yet during our lesson she was so earnest that it became evident to me that she held the study of magic in high regard.

She held her magic staff in hand; [Lumino Dilhevia].

It would be a tier A by the Endlavian grading system for magic spells, items and skills as a whole.

It was a long white staff made from elder metal and a dragon's scales empowered by a vibrant red crystal. It had a decorated circle resembling a shield that attached it to the shaft, which was adorned by a large ribbon.

I observed the staff very closely and because I did this Scentia displayed the magic amplification coefficient:

• Fire Magic: 5 times

• Lightning Magic: 4 times

• Earth Magic: 3 times

• Wind Magic: 3 times

• Water Magic: 2 times

It made sense that the amplification coefficient for water would be so low, collectively it was a fire-based magic staff.

'I want one of those..' was the only thing in my thoughts before she started our lesson.

"Generally, Zestrian Magic Spells and Mages are divided into seven distinct Ranks - Elementary, Intermediate, Veteran, Disciple, Preeminent, Grand, and Divine. To utilize any Spell, one must tap into Mana, not Magicubes. This can be achieved through one's own innate Magic Power or a dedicated Magic Circle designed for the intended Spell."

Frankly, no other person would be able to keep up with her but I was a good listener, fast learner and I'd already learnt this part from the books back at the Excelsior academy's library.

"I'll show you a chant first... Elementary level fire magic."

"Wait, are chants really important?" I needed to know if it affected the strength of a spell.

"Well yeah, how else would you use a magical art other than circles or chants... people who've gained better study of a particular spell are able to shorten it and retain the same damage rate.." she pointed her staff forward again preparing to cast a spell.

So it wasn't a requirement for one to say the chant completely.

They'd still maintain the same attack power still and all provided they have mastery over said spell. But maybe [Chant Annulment] was a different thing entirely.

She began her chant, "I call forth the strength of the blazing kings, may thy protection converge here as a flaming ball of conviction... Fire Ball."

[--Fire Ball--]

Instantly, she conjured a blazing fireball at the tip of her magic staff and, with a precise aim, launched it forward.

Having already infused her mana into the sphere, she only had to adjust its speed and trajectory. The fireball flew like a bullet, striking a tree ten meters away and igniting it in flames.

"So how was that?" She may be acting all serious, but I could see the excitement in her face. Who wouldn't be happy to associate with a relative who was the same age as them.

I gave her a standing ovation, maybe if I buttered her up she'd be less stern. I wouldn't be able to enjoy any of her lessons if she was always so telic. "You're quite talented milady.."

Hermoine couldn't help but blush, she averted her gaze so I wouldn't pick up on it.

"I-I mean anyone can do that with proper training, but it's kind of you to say." it was obviously working, just a few more pushes and she'd be much more lenient. "It's... your turn."

'Hermoine and the magic manual both agree that chants are necessary to cast even shortened versions of spells. I have disregarded this advice since the beginning, however, I understand that this may weaken the strength of the spell. Therefore, I shall recite the chants to ensure that no complications arise..' I thought with eyes closed.

[ Unique Skill ---> Oracle Engine ]


[ Parallel Processing ---> Harvesting and deconverting external magicubes to internal mana supply ]

In progress...

[ Accessing True Magic Archives ---> Generating thermal element; "Fire Ball" ]

In progress...

[ Increasing mana output by 50% ]

In progress...

Outstretching my right hand and widely opening my palm, "Uhh... I call forth the strength of the blazing kings, may thy prote-" an insect flew straight into my mouth forcing me to stop halfway, but I'd already formed an infinitesimal sphere of flame that manifested from a weak spark.

Still, as I coughed falling backward, velocity had already been set.

The miniscule orb darted for the sky like a bullet and exploded widely enough that its effect range was a five meter radius.

It didn't come as a shock that she was impressed to the extent where she couldn't speak. But it wasn't my intention, I was actually going to cast it with as little mana as possible.

"H-How did you even do that...? An Elementary level spell shouldn't be able to do that.." her staff; [Lumino Dilhevia] fell from her grasp.

Regarding my situation, I'd just finished forcing an insect out of my throat which resulted in it getting sprained. That's what sudden and excessive exertion can do to you.

"Uh, beginner's luck?" I intentionally gave her false information with the intent to deceive. On the contrary, it wasn't the best lie in the market.

[>> Attention, magic is an idea driven by not only the brain but also emotions of the heart. Your reaction to the insect making entry into your mouth caused an increase in epinephrine levels. This further intensified your emotions and in tandem with the neurotransmitters increased the calculated delivery amount. <<]

In any event, as long as no one got hurt I was at ease.

I wish she wouldn't make anymore inquiries but still she couldn't get over the fact that I cut the chant halfway and developed something far stronger than most Intermediate level spells.

This time it wasn't even my fault, I didn't know what I'd done until after Scentia gave me the answer and in great detail.

"Oh no!" an emphatic high-pitched voice came from the manor, it was Talia, the head maid saw a number of different trees set aflame.

Hermoine burnt one down with her spell but as a matter of supposition, I was the one who set five trees up in flames. Just my luck.

"Young master! Please refrain from using our trees as target practices!"

So many servants had emerged from the manor to help her put out the fire, I could've used a water spell to fix things but I think they'd had enough of magic for one day.

"Figures I'd make a bad first impression.." I sighed heavily before lowering my head, but a path on the back from Hermoine made things a little better.

It was a bittersweet experience, bitter in the sense that Talia may be angry for a while. And sweet because it made a favorable distraction for me, Hermoine wouldn't have to question me about anything for some time.




Hermoine and I were outside still, but not doing any lessons of the kind.

We admired the skyline; a visible horizontal line where the sky appeared to meet the earth in the distance. The mountain range in the distance better known as the Black Wyvern Mountains, its mountains had a distinct beauty about them.

We stayed in the Nedveded Region but beyond the moutains to the north is a town known as "Lumera." It was there Gallus had gone to post my letter.

Surely Dreward and Lerna wouldn't mind dispatching a guard or two to handle delivery of the letter but I preferred to use my own money and effort to get it done. Okay Gallus' efforts, but you get the point.

"Oh?" I noticed Gallus from a distance.

The barn was a long way from the manor, given the size of the Nedveded Region (which the Wymarcs owned a huge portion of) it was expected.

We were originally in a position of rest on a mound of stored hay but we stood upright and approached him.

"So how'd it go?" Hermoine asked, she was aware of the errand I'd sent him on, one of the few things we discussed during our resting period.

First he bowed toward us as a gesture of respect, and then he gave us a concise report. "Iʼve dropped off the letter at the postal outlet, it's due to reach Miss Belitha Bradley in two or three days.."

Which meant I'd likely have a response four to six days from now. The thought of it was unbearable; having to wait that long to get a reply.

"Also, I made some inquiries concerning what you told me.."

"Great, spill the details.." I said.

Prior to Gallus' departure for Lumera, I had instructed him to inquire about Frankenstein; this was the name Count Polpe had provided me.

Although the information was rather scant, given that I had only been given a first name, I was still confident that there would be sufficient information on him, considering he is reputed to be the most powerful mages in Elgard.

"Hey, no fair... what're you guys talking about?" Hermoine was eager to know.

Gallus faced her, "Sir Nyx wanted me to dig up some information on Frankenstein, but everyone I asked got angry for some reason.." this led him to believe they either feared him or detested him strongly.

For someone who was hailed as the greatest mage of a nation the former was more likely.

"Frankenstein Du Rachim? Want me to help...?" she offered.

So that was his full name, figures she'd know.

"How exactly? I asked almost every person in the city and yet no one could give me an answer... what makes you believe your luck would be any better?" he may have gone a bit too far in expressing how her help would make less of an impact.

Patting Gallus on the back was my way of calming him down, "You did good Gallus, but now that we barely have any information on this guy... any help would be useful.." it was a soft voice through and through.

"I'm sorry I failed you Sir Nyx! I'll redeem myself, I promise!"

Not necessary, but I wasn't planning on telling him that. Knowing him he'd insist still and all.

"So, you said you could help?" I wanted to know what she had in mind.

"I know a guy we can get a good chunk of information from, but are you sure you wanna waste time searching for him? I mean, it's not that I'm complaining or anything... I could even learn a lot from him but I don't think he'd be so willing to teach you.." she wasn't angry. I planned to learn from another teacher whilst training with her, she just didn't want me to waste my time.

There was the very likely chance this Frankenstein wouldn't care to teach me anything.

And yet, "Even so, I won't know until I give a shot." in the grand scheme of things the aim was to get stronger.

"Okay, I'll help.."

With her help, there was no way we wouldn't find him.