Burning Bright

Sunlight slipped through the curtains casting its gentle light on Queen Elesha's face in the early hours of the morning. Queen Elesha felt the warm Sun rays against her eyelids burning bright, she opened her eyes and immediately closed them because of the glare. She heard Bea walk into the room so she called out to her.

"Bea, could you please draw the curtains close."

"Of course, Your Majesty," replied Bea swiftly drawing the curtains close.

"Do you want to take your bath?" She asked seeing that Her Royal Majesty was staring at her rather strangely. "Your Majesty are you well?"

"Yes, I am Bea."

Queen Elesha took a bath in His Royal Majesty's bathroom and it was large. It was decorated with red tiles and gold streaks and it had a white tiled bathtub in the center, where it was filled with water and was kept bubbling. After soaking herself for an hour in the warm bubble bathtub. She washed her hair and her body, dried herself with a bath towel and changed into a pale yellow dress. She put on her shoes, and Bea placed her a dainty gold tiara on her head that had white roses, a gift from her mother on her wedding day.

She decided to join King Hans for breakfast, she would not hide away in her room and eat like a coward, she thought to herself as she made her way down the stairs to the great dining hall. Upon entering she noticed that King Hans had just finished eating and was standing up to leave. He saw her and immediately crossed the hall to come to her side.

"Good morning, my Queen. Did you sleep well?" He asked taking her hand and kissing it.

"I did, my King," she replied with a slow and nervous smile appearing on her face.

"I have much to do today wife, apparently there is already a revolt set in motion as the court has viewed our vows as nothing more than child's play at making peace between our nations. They view your deception as proof that you don't intend to keep your martial vows."

"But I signed my real name on all those papers, surely there must see reason," replied Queen Elesha with anxiety already taking it's invisible weight on her shoulders.

"I understand that,but the court needs something more public like an act, perhaps an official apology in front of the court to show your submission and loyalty, since you are my wife." King Hans said the last bit of it hesitantly as he watched her eyes narrow and fill with bold determination.

"Very well, what time should I see you in court, to publicly apologize."

"In an hour's time, don't be late." He kissed her hand one more time before leaving her all alone in the great dining hall.

She was left feeling a mixture of indignation and fear at what awaited her. Queen Elesha schooled her features and put on a cool demeanor. She sat down and helped herself to the great spread of food that was before her. She ate three slices of roast pork, eggs, salad, some fruits and drank a whole goblet of orange juice. Feeling full, she decided to take a walk in the court yard. She gently scolded herself for deceiving everyone that had come into contact with her at Rubicund. If only she had been upfront from the start, she would not be in this mess.

The horn blew signalling her entrance into court, the announcement rang, "presenting Her Royal Majesty, Queen Elesha of the Kingdom of Rubicund." Queen Elesha felt that another woman she have entered through the doors of the court, someone wiser and astute. Yet, here she was facing a large court of men and women that held all kinds of rank and fulfilled various responsibilities to their nation and their king.

She was for a moment awestruck by how intimidating, majestic and regal King Hans looked upon his throne. He leaned forward when she entered and a soft look replaced his stern face that was there just a few moments earlier on.

Before she could open her mouth and say what she intended, King Hans quickly stood up and walked towards her. He took her hands in his and whispered in her ear, "are you alright?" She nodded her head and once again just like last night she got down to her knees and grasped his ankles. There was a gasp from some of the court ladies present and a rumble of agreement and shock from the gentleman present.

"Your Majesty, Great King Hans, I wish to publicly say that I am sorry for deceiving you and pretending to be my sister. I took my sister's place out of goodwill and for the sake of my kingdom as my sister already belonged to another. Please forgive and pardon me, my Lord King."

Some members of the court were rather embarrassed at this public display and looked elsewhere whereas others looked on with curiosity and admiration for the queen was declaring an apology herself publicly and boldly.

"You may rise beloved Queen Elesha, I have granted you pardon and you have my forgiveness, sweetheart", said the king helping her get up into a standing position. Some of the members of the court chuckled at this and nodded their heads in agreement at this public display of affection.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," replied Queen Elesha. He guided her to the throne that was beside his on the dais. She sat at his right hand and smiled triumphantly at the members of the court, since she had pacified most of them gathered, the court resumed its meeting on measures that could be taken since peace between the two nations was established. Talks of rebuilding a new economy were in session and Queen Elesha for the first time in her life was granted the actual right to voice an opinion and it be taken into consideration. What a difference in role she thought for as a princess she had to follow what was told to her to do. As queen she was free to make her own choices, ones she hoped would be for the betterment of both her home land and the Kingdom of Rubicund.