Tell Me Your Name

Queen Elesha found out that court life was rather tedious business. She wondered how visiting noblemen and noblewomen could even consider it then again it was their duty and as their queen she was expected to be reintroduced amongst their circles of influence. So she prepared a tea ceremony two days in advance to get to know the ladies at court better.

She excused herself from the throne room and made her way to the pavilion that was at the centre of the garden just near a water fountain. It was beautiful here and she felt she could stay quite content here for hours gazing at the exotic flowers and maybe even read a book under the shady tree which had thick branches and leaves spread out like a canopy sheltering her from the rays of the Sun.

"I thought I'd find you here," said a gentle voice interrupting her reverie. King Hans stood at a distance observing her for a moment. He drew closer and sat beside her in the pavilion.

"Can we start over?" he asked her suddenly.

"How would you like to start over?" she mirrored his question with one of her own.

"Tell me your name, and what it means?" he asked.

"Elesha Annette Wright, Elesha means God is salvation and Annette means grace or favour."

"What about you?" she asks him in return.

"Hans means God is gracious," he replies.

"I must be lucky then," comments Queen Elesha.

"Why do you say that?" he asks her.

"God must have been gracious enough to give me a good man as a husband." She replies looking at him directly.

"It's too soon to tell isn't it, it must be hard to marry someone you barely know out of duty and an enemy no less."

"But we aren't enemies anymore," she smiles and then bends her head so she is closer to him and plants a kiss on his cheek.

Realising what she has done a blush spreads across her cheeks and she smiles at him shyly.

"That isn't how you kiss your husband, love", he says suddenly lifting her and placing her on his lap.

"This is how you kiss your husband," he frames her face gently in his hands and places a passionate kiss on her lips. He takes his time thoroughly kissing her long, hard and sweet. Slipping his tongue into her mouth to taste her, he explores her mouth with his tongue causing her to moan in pleasure. Elesha was not sure how much time went by as they kissed in the garden but she enjoyed every minute of it. Hans slowly pulled away to catch his breath, he had a grin on his face as he watched her face turn bright red.

"My dear red does suit you."

Elesha smiled sheepishly and buried her head in his chest.

"Thank you for accepting me, even though I deceived you."

"You're welcome love," he replies softly and kissing her forehead. He gently picked her up and places her on the bench he was sitting on.

"I must leave, I have other matters to attend to. I will see you at dinner."

He says kissing her hand as though making a promise to her before leaving the pavilion and walking towards the throne room.

Queen Elesha sat inside the pavilion with a wide stupid grin taking over her face which she tried earnestly to suppress in case she came across an onlooker but failed. King Hans knew what he was doing with her that much was sure. He wanted her loyalty and she wanted his heart.

She did eventually leave the pavilion an hour later and headed straight for the royal library. She would borrow some books on all things related to the Kingdom of Rubicund and she would read so that she knew what to expect. She found the library with ease, and took books on various topics from etiquette and mannerisms, ethics of politics, economics and history.

Queen Elesha decided to stay in her chambers as she spent the day away reading and finding answers to every question she had regarding the Kingdom of Rubicund. She was so engrossed in her reading and writing that she didn't hear Bea her ladies maid call out to her until she did a second time.

"Your Majesty it is nearly dinner time we must get ready to meet the king in the dining hall."

"Oh yes, we must," replied Queen Elesha before hurrying to the bathroom to remove her clothes and take a bath. She chose a beautiful sky blue dress to wear that evening that looked almost like silver in the dark. Bea braided her hair into a single braid and placed a single white rose in her hair.

"Thank you, Bea, you need not come back into my chambers later, you may have the rest of the evening to yourself."

"Many thanks Your Majesty," said Bea before leaving her chambers.