Daring Wife

As the wise old saying goes all's fair in love and war, tonight Queen Elesha was determined to have her husband make love to her. She wanted to have a child and whoever was trying their hardest to sabotage this union for her was going to pay for it dearly with their life.

She had spent some time perfuming herself with the scent of vanilla and tangerine, rubbing the scented oils into skin. She let herself into the king's bedroom and slipped beneath the fur covers to keep herself warm. She was alerted when she heard the door swing open and he entered the chambers. By law no one was allowed into the king's private chambers not even the queen unless summoned so here she was taking a risk hopefully, she would be able to leave with her neck still intact.

King Hans was unaware Queen Elesha was in his bed as he was lost in thought, he removed his clothes and proceeded to take a warm bath. His friend's words ran through his head in a loop, and he wasn't sure how to approach his new queen on the subject. He blew out some of the candles and got into bed, when he rolled over towards the right side of the bed he felt something beneath the blankets, he got up and pulled the blankets to the ground and was surprised to find his wife sitting upright, naked.

"My love as enticing as you look in my bed right now, I'm not in the mood for lovemaking."

"Will you ever be in the mood?" Elesha asked her husband with a brazen look in her eyes.

"What do you want Elesha? King Hans asked as he steadily walked closer to her without once breaking eye contact.

"Isn't it obvious?" Elesha asked him slyly.

"You want a child? Is that what this is about?" King Hans asked her.

"You have not taken what's yours, I'm starting to wonder if you will seek it elsewhere?"

"That bothers you?" He asked with a playful smile on his face.

She gave him a hard look, "yes it does!"

"Hmmm.....jealousy looks so appealing on you right now," he said now much closer to her his lips inches from her neck.

"Hans just love me for tonight," she said pleading with him breathlessly.

He heard her and he started kissing her passionately with such a ferocity that took her by surprise, she wrapped her hands around his neck and he fell into bed with her. King Hans, couldn't control himself much more around her, he let his desire for her take control and he made love to her till she writhed in pleasure beneath his touch. If this woman wanted a baby he was going to make sure she left his bed with one.

Queen Elesha was not exactly sure of what to do while her husband made love to her she simply expressed her desire for her husband as best as she could and hoped he knew that she loved him or was beginning to. She had never felt so intimately connected to a man and as she lost her innocence as the hours passed by. She fell fast asleep, with a smile lingering on her face wrapped up in the arms of her king, her husband. She felt satisfied and very much loved in that moment and all worries of his propensity to be swayed by another woman left her. She felt secure and she would strive to give him that security as well, that he could trust her with from the depths of his heart. She fell into a deep sleep listening to his heartbeat and his relaxed breathing, just behind her head.

In the early hours of the morning, King Hans woke up and nearly jumped out of bed when he remembered his meeting was that day with an envoy from the Kingdom of Smaragd. Then he calmed himself down when he realised it would be in the afternoon. He had surprisingly enjoyed every moment of being with his queen last night, as he watched her sleep he couldn't help but admire the way she looked in that moment so sweet and innocent, she had given him her virginity and the evidence of it was on the white sheets. He had taken care to be gentle with her and she had willingly given herself over.

As he stared at her he felt his heart skip a beat at the way she had bravely and brazenly placed herself in his chambers. This woman was going to be the death of him that much he was certain of. He could already feel a new version of him emerging, coming alive at the thought of carrying their first child together. In that moment Hans made a silent promise to himself that he would stay faithful to her. He was worn out when it came to flings, he couldn't remember the last time he had a woman in his bed. He had slowly stopped sleeping with every available female that threw herself at him. Although it was physical pleasure that drove him in the past, it was his need to find comfort and rest for his heart in the present that had taken a toll on him. He had yet to find a woman whom he could share his deepest thoughts with, his desires,fears, goals and dreams.

Queen Elesha opened her eyes and caught her husband staring at her, lazily playing with her long hair.

"Good morning, my love," he greeted her with a kiss.

"It is a fine morning to wake up beside you my King," she replied beaming up at him.

"Would you like more mornings like this one?" he asked her.

"That would be lovely, Hans" she whispered in his ear.

He chuckled and started kissing her again.

"If we continue like this I won't leave this bed and I must my love, I will be meeting an envoy from Smaragd. Will you join me in the throne room?"

"It would be a pleasure, dear." She replied kissing him on both cheeks before leaving his bed to take a bath.