Dangerous Liaisons

Noah, The Duke of Wilhelm knew he was treading on a very fine line between loyalty and absolute treachery. The man was skillful at juggling his many affairs with his friends and enemies. He was on his way to pay a visit to Lady Clara Fischer, daughter of the Duke of Bremen and Verden. They had grown up together from childhood to adulthood with King Hans, as such were very close. He had come to suspect though that she had an agenda and was right when he had overheard her conversation with her uncle who happened to be an advisor to King Theodore of Weiss. She had requested that her uncle capture and kill Lady Lystra, King Han's concubine. He had been privy to the conversation when he heard it take place in the library as he at that time had been searching for her. Ever since that day he had kept an eye out for her as he knew she raged with bitter envy, for the women that King Hans took to his chambers.

He should have warned Hans but it had been too late for he had heard her swear her support in helping Hans win the war against the Kingdom of Weiss, with men from Blau. It was a pretty knot that he had gotten himself into keeping a check on her and doing what he could to prevent any real danger from coming to his dear friend, King Hans.

The man knew he needed to do something before he was caught dead in the middle of these schemes that went unheard of and unseen. He could only count his many blessings that the newly crowned queen had come out unscathed.

"Noah what brings you here this day?" Lady Clara asked coming straight to the reason for his visit to her house in the Kingdom of Rubicund. She waited for his response as she poured herself a cup of tea.

"You seem to be taking his marriage to Princess Elesha rather well, I see." He commented testing the waters for her reaction and found she held her composure.

"I've always supported his many endeavours why not this?" She threw back the question for him to answer.

"What are your plans here?" He asked her, changing the subject entirely.

"Well if you must know, Father intends to make a match for me here or Blau, I am open to either choice."

"This is news to me," he said surprised at what he was hearing.

"I think it's high time don't you, I'm getting old," she said with a nervous chuckle that left a sad look in her eyes.

"I'm sure you will make a fine match Clara, you need not worry." He said feeling sorry for her in that moment.

"That is kind of you to think so," she replied.

"Do you still love him," he asked her then reopening an old wound.

"I do but I think he has moved on and can never see me in that light."

"If you're on the market for a husband Clara, there is a ball Lady Drella intends to throw soon."

"After the queen nearly got poisoned, are you sure?"

"Positive, my wife heard the news from Lady Summerset who was at the tea ceremony."

"That would be marvelous indeed, it's been ages since I've enjoyed myself at one."

"Lunch is ready my lady," said the serving maid that entered the drawing room which they were occupying.

"Come, Noah I'm famished let's us adjourn to the dining room."

Lunch was heavy and Noah, the Duke of Wilhelm felt as though he had eaten far too much. The food was excellent and he had really overindulged himself.

"Clara, there is a reason I wanted to meet you today, can you honestly say you didn't intend to poison the queen?" He asked her staring at her hoping to make her feel uncomfortable.

"Are you mad?" She asked him incredulously.

"Why would I want to poison the queen?"

"Because you still love Hans," accused Noah.

"That may be true Hans but for years I was under the assumption that Lady Lystra had successfully given birth to his son, and I figured all my chances were gone since he had already taken a concubine."

"I simply gave up after that." She replied slowly.

"I know my intentions are not always so noble but I wouldn't poison the queen, a princess of Weiss at that, it would jeopardize my uncle's position at the Weiss court should I be found out."

"On that note, I hope to be of assistance in helping you make a good match."

"That's so nice of you, Noah but I can solve my own problems you need not get your hands dirty on my account."

"Nonsense, I want to be the friend that's by your side when you make the choice. Your friendship has always meant a great deal to me."

Lady Clara looked up and smiled at him a true sincere smile in that moment.

"Very well, Noah you can be my shadow while I go husband hunting, just don't embarrass me," she said with a laugh.

"Wouldn't dream of it my lady," replied Noah, taking a sip of his wine.

"Noah, you really think there's hope for me?"

"Yes, there is," he replied confidently and they smiled at each other, in agreement at what the future could hold for Lady Clara Fischer.