Midnight Supper

"Mother?" cried Princess Estella as she woke up in bed. She found herself alone and she heard the soft conversation of guards posted outside her door. Her sister must have ensured that she would be safe. She had a pounding headache so she opened the door and ordered the guard to fetch her some peppermint ointments and drinking water.

The guard was unsure of what to do, he alerted Queen Matilda, who slept in a room just beside hers.

"My darling how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling better, Mother how long have I slept?"

"For about a whole day," replied Queen Matilda.

"I am hungry."

"I'll make you something warm to drink and I'll get you some bread."

"We've sent for our cooks from Weiss to serve us while we're here."

"Sounds splendid I do miss Martha's soups."

"I will go now to the kitchen and come up with a tray. Rest my child, I shall not be too long."

Queen Matilda soon brought up a steaming bowl of mushroom soup, some fresh bread, a jug of water and ointments. While the princess ate she gently rubbed the ointments onto her forehead.

"That feels so good, thank you Mother."

"I'll take the tray out and leave the water jug here and cup. Do you need anything else?"

"No I'm fine, you best get some rest as well. Good night Mother."

"Good night sweetheart."

In the morning, Princess Estella woke up and had breakfast. She spent the whole day reading a love story that her sister had picked out for her from the library. She was slowly falling asleep, when Queen Elesha entered her chambers to check in on her.

"You're still awake," Elesha noted.

"Any news of you who could have orchestrated such a thing?" Estella asked her sister.

"The servant girl that carried my cup of tea can't be found."

"We questioned, the Duchess Katrina on her appearance so we know to recognise her. If we cannot find her, I'm afraid we will not know how hemlock got into that cup of tea. The doctor tested all the tea that was served during the ceremony and it appears only that cup was specifically poisoned."

"Do you remember anything before you took that cup of tea?"

"Not anything out of the ordinary," replied Estella.

"Get some rest, I'll check on you again tomorrow."

"Stay safe sister," said Estella.

"You as well," replied Elesha.

The search for the mysterious servant girl was not in vain as they finally were able to locate her at a village. She was brought in for questioning in front of Queen Elesha and Duchess Katrina.

"You were the servant girl serving at the tea ceremony that took place two days ago?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," she answered nervously.

"The tea you served was poisonous, I understand it was meant for me."

"Why did you serve it? Under whose order?"

"Your Majesty, I did it to save my little girl, they took her from me and promised to return her as soon as I had done what I was ordered. I have been serving in the palace for years. So being required to serve you and bypassing the food testers was not a problem."

"Is your daughter safe now?"

"Yes, your Majesty she is. I sent her yesterday to live with my mother in the country where I hope she will be safe. I was told to add just a little bit of this to your tea, they assured me it would not kill you." She said as she produced a small silk blue pouch filled with dried hemlock leaves.

"I was instructed to boil the leaves together with the tea, and to serve it to you. It failed as Princess Estella stepped in my way and insisted on drinking it."

"Why return your daughter to you if the plan failed."

"They were fearful, Your Majesty, they knew I recognised them for who they were not whom they were pretending to be."

"Explain, please."

"They were men from the Kingdom of Blau, Your Majesty, but they wore uniforms of the soldiers with the crest of the Kingdom of Weiss."

"Did you recognise any of them?"

"No they were complete strangers."

"Why would men from the Kingdom of Blau carry the crest of the Kingdom of Weiss."

"I do not know, Your Majesty but this is my suspicion as I recognised their heavy accent when they spoke. My mother is from the Kingdom of Blau and she speaks the exact same way."

"Your Majesty, I do beg for your forgiveness, I did what I had to do."

"Yet you did not report to us what you knew even after your daughter was returned to you."

"I did not want to lose my work at the palace, Your Majesty, I have been a loyal servant for years and my mother and grandmother have served and worked here."

"For what has been done, you are being dismissed from service," was Queen Elesha's cold reply.

"What is your name? The truth please if not I shall have to ask my guards to end your life today."

"My name is Rilla."

"How long Rilla will you say your family has served at the palace?"

"Just me, my mother and my grandmother Your Majesty, I'm not sure of the exact number of years."

"I would like to take tea with your mother, Rilla. Tell her to meet me at this hour tomorrow."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I shall. I am grateful to keep my life."

"Make sure it serves a noble purpose from here on end," was Queen Elesha's curt reply.