Sister's Keeper

The next day brought it set of challenges, because first Queen Elesha had more questions than answers. She did not know where to look or to start, she was aware that anyone in Rubicund could also have the motive to assassinate her for all the wars that went on between Weiss and Rubicund. Her country she thought was the best place to start her investigation and come up with solutions to not replace what the people of Rubicund had lost but perhaps ease their burden. She groaned when she realised the weight of responsibility she carried, in clearing up all that blood and answering to all the horrifics that war had brought on her new homeland, Rubicund.

She wrote to her father and made a request to send copies of all the forces that had been dispatched during the war with its list of reasons. She was not sure what she would find but she hoped she would have more answers when she understood the reasons for war. She sent the letters through her messengers and took some time away to pay a visit to her sister.

She entered her sister's chambers unannounced and was astonished to find Lord Gerald the Duke of Prussia, kissing her sister while she lay in bed. Embarrassed at the sight she loudly cleared her throat.

"Estella, how have you been today?"

Her sister quickly pulled away from the Duke and blushing red she said "I've been getting well, sister I didn't hear you come in."

"Is mother still around?"

"She is, she just left to get me some cranberries in cream you know how love those."

"Gerald was just leaving," replied Estella unsure of what herself in that moment.

"Good day your Majesty, I wanted to offer my services in helping track down who could have poisoned Estella."

"That is all noble of you Gerald but we have everything under control."

"It's been five days and you still have not found the killer. I think you need all the help you can get considering the fact that anyone can be a suspect."

"Gerald, I understand your concern and rightfully so, you're free to carry out your investigations but be careful as ties are still rather delicate between Weiss and Rubicund and I will not tolerate you upsetting the red apple cart as we speak, am I clear?"

"Crystal, Your Majesty, I shall take great care in not creating more difficult situations for you in future."

"Well since that is out of the way, when did the doctor say you may begin taking walks again in the gardens and getting some exercise, you're still pale," said Queen Elesha to her sister.

"Tomorrow, I shall start I wanted to laze around for awhile, mother has been carefully checking up on me and I hear we are to get reinforcements from Weiss. I also hear there is a ball coming up. Why didn't you tell me sister?"

"I wasn't sure if it is wise of you to attend considering your life was at stake mere days ago."

"Its not my life at stake, it's yours and you know that well enough, you're going to need all the protection you can get since you plan on making an appearance."

"I won't be able to stop you from attending, will I?" Queen Elesha asked her sister wearily.

"No you will not, I shall be in attendance, determined to have some fun it's been dreadfully boring staring at the walls of this room all day, oh and Gerald shall be in attendance as well."

"Very well, is there anything else I should know about that you may require?" Queen Elesha asked sarcastically.

"No, just invitations to the Summerset Ball for now will do." Estella replied gleefully, she loved balls and could not remember a time she had ever missed one.

"I must leave soon, I have much work that needs my attention. Will Gerald be staying over here as well?"

"Yes, I suppose he shall, we are to be married soon in two months time. You might as well get used to him being around more often."

"Lovely, the more the merrier. Keep a leash on him please I can't have him poking his nose where it's not wanted or needed." Queen Elesha remarked annoyed that she had to put up with him, she was not fond at all of Gerald and felt her sister could have married someone far better suited to her then again she was in love, who was Elesha to deny her sister, happiness in life.

Gerald was built like an athlete and a master at archery and hand to hand combat. He had fiery orange hair and blue eyes. People often mistook him for a foreigner but it was because he inherited his looks from his mother. He smiled at Queen Elesha sheepishly and before he left the room promised her that he would be do his best in finding the killer. As soon as he left the room, Queen Elesha asked her sister once more.

"Estella are you sure you're making the right decision he lives far away near the sea, you are prepared to leave us and live with him?"

For a moment Estella looked sad then hesitantly she said, "if that is what it comes down to I shall take my leave. I love him and he loves me I'm sure we can work something out where we make regular visits here and the Castle of Weiss."

"Try not to leave us Estella," Queen Elesha said sitting beside the bed and hugging her sister.

"Oh please you won't be able to get rid of me even if you tried, you'll see soon enough."