Past Lovers

Night fell and so did snow, the castle was enveloped in a chilly embrace that was kept at bay for the warmth that came from the fires lit about throughout the castle. Queen Elesha got ready to fall asleep in bed, it had been a long day and she wanted to visit her sister's chambers the next day. As she blew out the candles the room was plunged into darkness except for the glow of light that came from the fire crackling in the fireplace. She heard a knock on her door and got up to open it. Her husband, King Hans stood in the doorway in his white night shirt and long pants.

"Miss me?" He asked her with a teasing smirk.

"Not really, I was going to fall into a blissful sleep, you interrupted it."

"Can I come in?" He asked her softly.

She opened the door wider and let him into her chambers.

He settled himself comfortably under her blankets and gestured for her to join him. She closed the door and locked it, got into bed beside him.

"Why have you not told me about Lady Clara?"

She asked him suddenly. She didn't mean to but the question was burning a hole through her and she wanted answers from him.

"Investigating my previous love interests, dear?"

"Just asking questions, are you angry?"

" I could never be angry with you. Lady Clara is a childhood friend, naturally we grew close, and experimented with love at a much early age. We became distant after a while, I had my share of work to attend here and she had her duties in Blau."

"So your love for her didn't go past friendship?"

"It did some nights," he said mischievously.

"Oh", was all Elesha said she couldn't think for a moment as she tried to take in what he was telling her.

"You must have had a lot of affairs with women, why didn't you marry sooner?" She asked him pointedly.

"Because someday I knew I would have to marry for the sake of my country not for love." He replied solemnly.

"She had to be of royal birth?"

"Yes she had to be." He answered her.

He rolled over onto her and pinned her hands to her side while he hovered over her face.

"You were not what I was expecting?"

"What were you expecting?" She asked him curious now.

"Someone timid, shy and quiet. You're the opposite of all of those."

"Do I disappoint, His Majesty the King?" She asked him softly.

"No, love you you conquer me little by little everyday, I quite like it," he said before kissing her lightly on the lips.


"Yes?" he answered while he kissed her neck.

"What if the killer is one of your past Iove interests?"

"Possible, love but I doubt since most of them were married of rather quickly thanks to my mother at that time, all except Lady Clara but I doubt she had any real feelings for me past friendship. They would receive a swift death at my hands love should they endanger your life, you need not worry."

"How is it that you have a half brother?"

"So many questions for the night, when I'm tempted to ravish you, love."

"My father took a mistress before he and my mother met. She bore him a son, hence my half brother."

"Were your parents were happily married? I ask because I saw a poem written by your father to your mother."

"Winter's Song? Yes, they were he never took another woman to his bed after my mother."

"Any other questions for the night?"

"I have plenty your Majesty."

"I shall answer them should you wish to spend more nights with me, love."

"That is very generous of you, My King," she whispered kissing his forehead.

"Anything for you my sweet," he whispered in reply.

He kissed her again, a deep searing kiss that made her feel the heat of his love for her. She was too tired to stay awake she fell asleep soon afterwards.

"I hope my heart is safe with you, my love." He whispered.

"It always will be," she whispered in reply. He heard her and kissed her forehead before rolling back to his side and falling asleep.