
Gene stones are among the rarest and most crucial for people who did not spontaneously activate their abilities.

He was told to collect the gene points in the gene stone and birth his ability, but he had another plan for the gene stone.

The energy may be enough to awaken his vampire instincts, or he may even awaken the evil progenitor bloodline.

Those two have been inactive since he reincarnated in this world, but they weren't dead inside of him, so they could be activated again by rekindling their Spirits with the help of this world's energy.

Spiral lines of energy floated about his torso, creating a powerful pressure that flung little things across the room.

Vile Mommy and Demon Ape stood in a dark corner of the room, watching their pal struggle with the energy.

General Milky put them in place to prevent all casualties.

'In the past, the backlash caused him to fall into a months-long coma. He was able to collect those gene points, but he was unable to awaken powers. I'm just hoping he makes it through. The time I should have spent killing is constantly spent defending him.' Demon Ape grumbled quietly to himself.

The energy around Ethan got more chaotic, yet his face maintained a calm look.

Regardless, two hours later

The energy suddenly became more balanced.

Vile Mommy's eyes pierced through the air, staring at Ethan's bare chest.

"I believe he succeeded, but something is strange; his heart is not as calm as this rose petal." Vile Mommy exclaimed as he peeled yet another rose petal.

Demon Ape nodded, having witnessed what had just occurred.

It was not the usual method of awakening abilities.

A bright mark appears on the chest or the middle of the forehead after waking a new ability.

These symbols are mostly ancient and serve to interpret their powers immediately after they awaken them.

But there was none of that in Ethan's case.

'I succeeded, I unlocked both my Evil Progenitor bloodline and my vampire instinct at the same time by bombarding my mental world with this world's energy, causing a minor imbalance that triggered a reaction in both of them, and then I seized the opportunity to will my bloodlines into this new body... hahaha, can't believe that simple plan worked so easily.' Ethan opened his eyes and remained focused on his hands.

His body structure remained unchanged, yet he was hungry and thirsty?

A thirst that could not be quenched by water and a hunger that could not be satisfied by the spiciest food.

It was a desire for blood and a craving for flesh!

One that deeply penetrated his subconscious.

His eyes changed from blue to a nasty shade of crimson as his vampire instinct quickly warped his mind.

"How are you feeling?" Demon ape inquired.

Ethan raised his head, a devilish grin on his face.

"Thirsty! The one you call Blooodthirst! I need blood!" His voice was terrifying and diabolical.

"Welcome to villainhood, buddy!"

"You are now qualified to uphold my roses and fill the sky with blood. If you are stronger, the sky will not stop you. Righteousness will not keep your passions in check.."

"This world's logic is nothing more than the word of one man who studied dead logs of wood carved into worshipped white pieces for scribbling and boring lessons." We, as villains, do not experience the world in the exact way they do; we are unique, like the roses I am holding here. Welcome to villainy, thou art now a noteworthy villain. It was time to choose your villain's codename. Remember how awesome Roses are when coming up with a codename?"

Ethan smiled at the two of them, his eyes filled with the same level of bloodthirst.

'If I don't find a source of new blood within the next hour... I'm not sure I can handle it.'

Demon ape left eye observed Ethan body for a few minutes and then he rushed out of the room.

He reappeared carrying two young females tied in chains. One was frail and the other appeared healthy, but her eyes were filled with tears as she glanced at Ethan, who appears to be the scariest in the room right now.

(A/N:That's because they haven't seen Vile Mommy in the darkness)

Ethan's need increased as he sniffed the savoury smell of fresh blood, and his gaze shifted to the two ladies.

The sound of the rug violently shifting resounded throughout the room.

Two women' eyes expanded at the same time.

"Ughh~" The healthy young lady let forth a low moan.

Ethan signature white hair fluttered as his head bowed slightly for his fangs to pierce into her neck properly.

The sound of Ethan sucking loudly echoed around the room.

The room lady from whom he was sucking sought to flee by forcefully moving her body, but Ethan's fangs remained stung inside them.

She let out moans as strange sensations filled her body.

Suddenly, her moans began to fade and her eyes began to fade, and her struggle came to an abrupt finish.

She is dead!

Her blood has been fully taken out of her body.

"No! Don't get any closer! D_ please don't come, I don't want to die!" The fray-looking one struggled in the clutches of demon ape, but the dude stayed motionless as he watched Ethan's actions.

Ethan's head was facing the ground at the time, and one could see the blood trickling from his mouth and the expressionless face he hid.

As his head tilted toward the fray lady, a cold smirk appeared on his face.

He trotted up to her and shifted his hands to her face, massaging it with a naughty grin.

She tried to move her face away from his hands as tears streamed down her cheeks, but Ethan's hands kept tracing back to hers.

His other hands adjusted the garments that covered her shoulder, exposing her delicate neck.

He gradually inserted his teeth into them and began sucking to his heart's desire.

His thirst gradually subsided as he drained her blood to the last drop.

The limp body of the frail young lady fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Vile Mommy laughed evilly as he watched this scene.

However, Demon ape continued to watch Ethan, trying to figure out anything about his new self.

"Hahaha, My powers they are here now.."