
"What, Ethan, do you want to go on a date with a superhero despite being a villain?" Demon ape eyes were wide open as he locked his gaze on Ethan.

Ethan nodded, a mischievous smirk on his face.

His aim is to romantically conquer the three Red Hero's daughter heroines and force them to comply with his every desire.

While the others expected something hidden, Ethan preferred it to be out in the open.

He wanted a date with Scarlet!

Demon Ape was mostly concerned since Ethan had only recently awakened his vampire powers and his strength would currently be one or early two stars in the world's hero ranking system, but Ethan was already organizing a date with a five star heroine.

They termed his ability vampire because it was the only one that fit.

"She may be a heroine in the eyes of the world, but I've seen her character and she may be described as a villainess from what I've seen; she would go on a date with me, but information about it would be kept private."

Demon Ape sighed as he glanced at Ethan.

"As long as you don't rely on me for protection, I'd be happy to assist you with the matchmaking."

"In fact, there's no need for that. I already wrote her a letter, and she responded almost immediately, We're going on a date this evening!"


"I crammed her mailbox code and it was a breeze sending her the letter; once she figured out who the sender was, she immediately replied and, of course, she agreed."

The jaw of the Demon Ape remained on the ground.

He regained his calm and sighed. 'He has a strange method of solving problems at times, but I have to make my one hundred kill count today as soon as possible."

The Demon Ape had left, leaving Ethan alone in the small sitting room. He twisted his finger, and a thin thread of thick blood formed around them.

After a few hours of twisting these tiny threads into various forms, the size of the thread began to rise.

'Sigh, This body is unfamiliar with my vampire instincts and the wicked progenitor lineage. I need to practice my powers with this body until I thoroughly master it. By the way, it's time for the date.'


A shiny yellow car was seen speeding down a road lined with tall buildings, heading toward a five-star hotel.

The car was worth millions, and the driver was none other than Scarlett herself.

She wore glasses and a mask to conceal her identification from any journalists who might be loitering in the vicinity.

'Finally, I'd be able to exercise my power on him and turn him into one of my sex slaves, hehehe. His dick would be mine forever.'

The car was parked in the hotel's wide parking lot; when she stepped out of the car, the gathering outside fell silent.

Her hourglass form, her boobs peeking out from the top of her dress, and her graceful steps.

All of this piqued the males' desire for something intimate, but they sensed the danger buried in her gaze and remained away.

Her mind control can only change the colour of her hair when other people look at her; right now, everyone around her is seeing a lovely black haired lady with a huge melon.

They would never associate her with Scarlett Sword saintess if she had black hair; the red Hero family is mostly made up of redheads.

She strode effortlessly into the hotel's entrance, slid her card on the door, and her entry payments were immediately substrated.

She approached the male receptionist, who was as taken aback by her beauty, and paid for the tenth floor.

"What is it, madam? We have important guests on the tenth floor, and I'm sorry we can't send them out." The male receptionist only realized what had happened after she had paid for everything.

His attention had previously been drawn to her melons, which she didn't mind, and it wasn't until she turned her back on him that he realized what he had done.

"Tell them to leave and send them to other floors; you only have ten minutes before my guest arrives." She stated this without looking back.

The male receptionist was taken aback by the unexpected awareness.

'Because of Boobs, I would lose my job. Shit!' He cursed and dashed off to take care of business.

He soon returned and told Scarlett the good news; she smiled and patted his shoulder before walking elegantly to the 10th level, which is reserved for romantic rendezvous.

A bike with modification straight out of sci-fi could be seen moving at a top speed towards the hotel.

Two hero cops car was chasing from behind, they frequently amplified their voices to stop the hooded figure on the bike.

"You damn villain, stop right now." The heroes in the cop cars yelled angrily.

'Being chased is a great experience for my first day out.' Ethan smirked revealing a pair of sharp vampire fangs.

He pressed a button on his bike.

A thick energy barrier appeared and created a complete armour on Ethan and the bike, and soon he and the bike vanished from the gaze of others.

It blended in, there were no traces of the bike everywhere, and even the sound of the bike engine vanished.

Ethan parked his bike in a shady spot. He put on a black nose mask to disguise his nose and mouth.

His hair was already hidden by the white hood he was wearing.

He entered the hotel and requested entry to floor ten. Scarlett had told the hotel about him in advance, and everything following his arrival went smoothly and without incident.

When he arrived on the tenth floor, he was greeted with a breathtaking view of the hall.

The lovely aroma of flowers, combined with the gentle music playing in the background, gave him a sense of calm.

Scarlett was seated in a rather promiscuous stance with her ass slightly arched backward.

Her tight red dress sank into her ass cleavage, revealing a glorious view of those perky masterpieces.

Her red hair matched with her figure and the cheeky smile on her face gave off a matured charm.

'After destruction, my purpose was to enjoy a wonderful time with beauties. Death might await me after the damage, therefore for now I would have good time amidst my quest for chaos.'