Cute Villain

Ethan sat opposite Scarlet in the elegantly furnished furnishings, ordering dishes without Garlic because, as a vampire, he was allergic to garlic, at least for the time being he would have to stay off everything that's dangerous to his nature.

Scarlett didn't finish her dinner; instead, she sat with her hands folded and her gaze fixed on Ethan.

Her smile was cheeky as her mind wandered through various wicked thoughts of subduing Ethan into her sex slaves, recalling his massive dick and how she would want to plunge that into her pussy.

She wanted to fill her insides with his come as fast as possible, and she wanted to do it all while Ethan called her mistress.

Ethan, on the other hand, preferred things to be quick and simple. He wants everything to go smoothly.

He had already seen her eyes on his body, but he chose not to focus on them.

"You are too cute for a villain, you know," she said with a grin.

"And you're far too hot for a heroine." Ethan replied without raising his head.

"I admire the fact that you are open. I want all of my slaves to be as courageous and cute as you." She also didn't hide her motivations.

'Girl, sorry your mind control works only on humans, not vampires!'

"You fainted the last time you saw my beautiful body, and I'm wondering what will happen the next time you see my body." Let's see, you could lose your mind and become my sex slave, but that would be too simple...."

"Don't try to be shy," I remark, referring to your look on my body when you walked in. I'm sure you want to eat me at any time, including right now." She exclaimed with a huge grin on her face.

Hearing all of this rekindled something inside Ethan, and he gently raised his eyes to meet hers.

"Do you want an internet sextape scandal? We can do it here if you like, but let's see how long you can preserve your sanity."

"Oh, oh. The dragon has awoken! I have a reputation to uphold, and I will not allow anything to damage it so quickly. In any case, no one is going to complain about me doing this." She locked her gaze on him.

He could tell by the look in her eyes that she was about to use her mind control on him.

"Ethan. I command you to submit to my will and swiftly suck my cunt!"

She waited a few seconds and Ethan did not respond; she read her strange sermon again and Ethan did not respond.

His eyes had a weird expression on them, and he was continually giggling as if he was trying not to laugh too hard.

She recited once more, and this time Ethan responded.

He rose from his chair and began strolling like a dumb robot over to Scarlett, who couldn't disguise the proud smile on her face.

He trotted up to her and came to a stop just near her.

"Do it, and suck it!" In a joking tone, she compelled.

Ethan squated murmured coldly into her ear.

"Keep your voice down when you're doing that alright."

Scarlett's pupils dilated.

She failed! She couldn't believe it when her mind control, which had previously worked on other five-star heroes such as herself, refused to work on a villain who is all brain and no muscle.

Ethan sat down and muttered something bored.

"Is this how you heroine go on date, it's boring. Let's get back to why we're here. Let's go on a romantic date right now, Scarlett."

Scarlett kept her cool after a few seconds, the shock of earlier still fresh in her thoughts.

"All right, I've liked you since the first time I saw you, and I love you even more after I've seen your massive dragon, and I know you want my body. There's no need to share any cheesy romantic lines from a children's book. I'm now your girlfriend now."

"Hehehe, that's simpler than I thought, alright a click for our new relationship." Ethan dipped the half-empty tumbler of wine into his hair.

Scarlett took hers as well.

They both clicked their glasses before gulping down the contents.

Both of them drank for two more hours and chatted, their conversation centred on weird events in the globe.

Scarlett, who wasn't a big drinker, got tipsy and started bringing up extraneous things like how she was a victim of physical assault when she was younger and how it strengthened her will.

She brought up several issues, but Ethan was mostly interested in one of them.

"Do you have an idea when it will appear?" Ethan was curious.

"No, it's just the result of research from the research group, but one would certainly appear in two months time, hahaha," Scarlett jerked and laughed madly.

Unlike the dungeon, which emerges almost every day, the tower appears only on rare occasions. It arose for the last time two hundred years ago, and the resources from that tower gave rise to the abilities of the saints and saintesses.

Scarlett's power was inherited from her mother, who took part in the tower invasion two centuries ago.

Everyone reacted to the Red Queen, who saved the world from several disasters, on how she obtained her powers.

Apart from that, she mostly talked about sex and how she enjoys being the dominant one.

Her phone soon began to ring.

Ethan took a peek at the caller ID.

The caller was no other than Scarlett's sister. Rosey.

Scarlett looked at her phone and smiled as she took it up.

- "Good day, big sis. I saw your car outside the Royal Den Hotel. where are you right now.

"Oh, little Rosey, you're already close!" C'mon, hurry up to the tenth level; we should return home together, hahaha."

Rosey's complaint could be heard over the phone. She must have figured out Scarlett is drunk from the way she is speaking on the phone.

- "All right, I'll be there."

'I guess it's time to leave.' Ethan gulped down the last content in the glass and hid himself inside a room.