Rosey's Date [3/3]

"Mr. Ethan, I believe you to be a man of sophistication. "Consequently, I'd like to ask you a few questions about these beverages, just to clarify things," Jaden said, his face adorned with a mischievous smile.


Ethan simply nodded in response, prompting Jaden to delve into inquiries about various elegant drinks.


Pointing to a black-tinted bottle with a red wine and golden label, Jaden asked, "What's the name of this one?"


"I don't know," Ethan replied casually, taking a bite of the baked potato accompanying the meal.


"I suppose you haven't come across it. It costs half a million per bottle. What about this one? It's quite popular; I'm sure you must have tasted it before." Jaden pointed to another bottle and asked.


"I don't know," Ethan responded in a bored tone.


"What about this one?"


"Don't know."


"And this one?"


"I really don't know!" Ethan's frustration grew, causing him to yell his response.


Jaden's eyes flashed coldly, perceiving the blatant disrespect Ethan was displaying towards his class.


"What the heck? These are the finest wines in the world! How can you not know them? What do you even drink?"




"That joke isn't funny. Just be honest. You're only attached to Rosey because of her family's wealth and fame. I almost had a high opinion of you. You're just like the other villains—stupid and powerless."


"Oh, I don't know what kind of power you're referring to, but let me test it on your mother. Oh, do you have a sister? I'm certain she would confess after experiencing one of my abilities."


"You! You ba..." Jaden's words were cut short.


"Hey, hey, hey, Jaden, I'm here." Rosey intervened, waving her hands to make her presence known to both of them.


Ethan had paid little attention to the jerk in the first place. Those on the righteous path often believed they were inherently superior, regarding others as inferior and disposable at any time.


Jaden apologized and sat back. He poured wine into three glasses and handed them to Ethan and Rosey.


Ethan held the glass of wine, stood up from his chair, and walked behind Rosey.


"Play along," Ethan whispered in her ear.


Rosey shivered as his chilling voice reached her ears. However, she was the one who had invited him in the first place, seeking his help with something.


Since he was genuinely committed to assisting her, why not accept his help?


Jaden observed the two of them, unable to contain his anger. He clenched his fist and gritted his teeth but remained seated, watching as Ethan playfully interacted with his fiancée, showing no trace of fear in his eyes.


"Open your mouth," Ethan whispered.


Rosey complied and slowly opened her mouth, allowing Ethan to pour the contents of the glass into it.


Before she could swallow the liquid, he brought his lips close to hers and sealed it with a kiss.


Jaden, overwhelmed with anger, was on the verge of losing his temper.


Rosey's eyes widened as she responded to his kisses, causing some of the liquid in her mouth to spill into Ethan's mouth during the kiss.


The kiss lasted for three minutes, and Ethan didn't hesitate to caress her body as they kissed.


After they broke the kiss, his playful blue eyes locked onto hers.


Rosey blushed from the unexpected kiss.


Ethan playfully patted her hair, and she responded with a cute yet embarrassed expression.


"Did he just kiss me? That was my first kiss!" Rosey's eyes widened in surprise.


Ethan sat back down and resumed eating the baked potato. The other dishes on the table contained garlic, which he was allergic to as a vampire.


Jaden could no longer contain his pent-up anger and jealousy.


"You bastard, it's disrespectful to kiss my woman in my presence."


"What do you mean?"


"She is engaged to me, for God's sake."


"Call off the engagement immediately, or would you prefer to see me take her purity?"


"You... I'll kill you."


A black-purple vortex appeared behind Jaden, and several swords emerged from it.


"Jaden! Remember your promise and call off the engagement." Rosey stood up, holding an ice sword in her hands.


"Rosey, stay down. I may have promised you, but I can't hand you over to a villain like him!"


The swords hovered behind Jaden, their tips pointing towards Ethan, who continued eating the baked potato without any concern for Jaden's impending attack.


Their incessant arguing was infuriating him. When he was eating, he detested being disturbed.


"I'll kill him. I'm only doing this for you," Jaden declared with utmost seriousness.


"Sigh, this was supposed to be a date," Ethan sighed, lazily casting a glance towards Jaden.


"You bastard, say your final prayers. Condemned Sword, attack!"


The swords vibrated vigorously, gathering momentum to launch.


Rosey enlarged her swords by channeling more gene points, preparing to defend against Jaden's condemned sword.


Ethan sighed lazily, and his eyes briefly emitted a red glow.