Heroine of Justice

"You despicable villain, prepare to meet your end, Ethan. Unleash the Condemned Sword!" Jaden exclaimed, wearing a wide grin on his face.

The swords trembled intensely as they gathered momentum for the impending attack.

Rosey readied herself to intercept and bolstered her swords by injecting additional gene points, defending against Jaden's condemned sword.

Meanwhile, Ethan sighed nonchalantly, his eyes briefly emitting a red glow.

However, that glow didn't signify malice or any similar intent.

Instead, it was his inherent vampire ability called "Daze."

All of Jaden's summoned swords fell to the ground, and the vortex behind him vanished.

Jaden stood motionless, frozen in place.

Rosey was shocked to witness Jaden's state.

She had already positioned herself to protect Ethan, but the sudden turn of events left her bewildered.

She stood with her mouth agape and confusion in her eyes, unsure of whom to focus on.

In a fleeting moment, Ethan employed his "blood thread" ability, directing it towards Jaden's leg and ensnaring him.

Then, Ethan released the "Daze" skill, causing Jaden to regain his senses and discover that Ethan remained unscathed.

"You despicable person, how are you still alive?" Jaden uttered, attempting to approach Ethan and seize him by the neck.

However, he ended up stumbling onto a table and spilling its contents all over himself.

Food splattered onto his face, impairing his vision, while red wine and delicacies tarnished his elegant attire.

Rosey was still overwhelmed by surprise, rendering her unable to take action.

Ethan was single-handedly protecting himself without her assistance.

How could he be the weak antagonist?

How could he be Death Road's puppet?

After defeating the formidable Jaden Owen, she couldn't believe that Ethan was considered weak by the public.

"I suppose I've become more refined," Ethan remarked with a bright smile, almost appearing innocent and harmless.

"You despicable person, I'll end you!"

"Very well, you've made that threat before. So, I assume this is the part where you angrily call off our engagement, isn't it?"

"Hmph... fine, I hereby call off the engagement immediately, Rosey," Jaden declared in a furious tone.

"Excellent. I have a recording here, both audio and video. With two pieces of evidence against you, there's no way you can go back on your words."

After saying that, Ethan activated "Daze" once again, shamelessly wrapping his arms around Rosey's waist and whispering for them to leave together.

Rosey was momentarily lost in a daze before nodding, and the two of them began descending the stairs.

Ethan pulled his hood back up.

Soon, they were in the car, driving towards Scarlett's place.

Throughout the hours-long drive, Rosey remained silent, and Ethan didn't mind. He preferred the car to be as quiet as possible.

However, as they neared Scarlett's place, Rosey timidly muttered, "Thank you."

Ethan nodded in response, not paying much attention, but then another thought crossed his mind.

"The dungeon pass will arrive at Scarlett's place. Finally, a chance for me to gather some gene points."

Ethan took out his Generoid and activated the gene point window. He noticed that the number of gene points he possessed had skyrocketed from 50+ to 300+.

He had obtained a few from his encounters with Scarlett, using his mental influence to make her desire him more, and he had acquired the majority of them from defeating Jaden.

In this world, ranks were not solely determined by one's strength. A 3-star superhero could even defeat a 4-star superhero if they possessed superior abilities, skills, and gene points to support them.

To gain recognition in hero society, one needed to possess a certain amount of gene points, a dungeon relic, or notable achievements.

To become a 1-star entity, one needed to possess 1,000 gene points.

To become a 2-star entity, they needed 10,000 gene points and a Grade C genestone, and they must have participated in clearing a Grade B dungeon or defeated a 2-star supervillain.

Ethan was already planning to raise his status in this world. Being referred to as the weakest everywhere was irritating.

His relationships with the two superheroines had already progressed significantly in his pursuit.

The quest from the DeathRoad group was only a minor concern in his heart. Everything he did was for his personal benefit and growth.

"Death Road has aided the former Ethan, and even after inhabiting this body, their assistance has not ceased. They are at least trustworthy," he contemplated.

Soon they arrived at Rosey's place, and she left the car with Ethan still in the passenger seat.

Rosey stood at the entrance of her castle, her mind still swirling with conflicting emotions. The weight of her duty as a heroine clashed with her growing attachment to Ethan, leaving her torn between her sense of justice and the inexplicable pain in her heart. Placing her hand on her rapidly beating chest, she tried to steady herself and make sense of her feelings.

She then rushed inside her castle.

She decided to run through the information about Ethan online and his affiliation with DeathRoad.

As Rosey read through the various accounts and perspectives about Ethan online, She found herself drawn to the stories of his transformation and the unwavering support he received from the enigmatic Death Road group despite being so weak.

Although he is a villain, there are barely any confirmed kills under his name.

"I am a heroine, a warrior of justice," Rosey whispered to herself, her voice filled with determination. "I should eliminate evil whenever I encounter it. But why does the mere thought of killing him cause such turmoil within me? But I've got to kill Ethan for the sake of peace and justice. I've to..kill him"

As she said that, she began rushing downstairs, and as she did so, he summoned out a red icy sword.

She was set to kill Ethan with all she had, but getting downstairs, she was shocked to see that Ethan was nowhere to be found and her guards were standing in a state of daze, staring into oblivion.