Jaden Owen

The Red Hero family has faced immense scrutiny following the recent turmoil that unfolded a few days ago.

Red King found himself subjected to countless unwarranted inquiries for not taking immediate action despite the fact that the supervillain initially emerged within his jurisdiction.

The saints and saintesses have raised suspicions that he may have been involved with the S-rank villain, considering the villain departed untouched from the city under his supervision and proceeded to wreak havoc in other cities governed by different saints.

Scarlett, being a saintess herself, also found herself burdened by the mounting pressure. She inherited the title from her mother due to their shared abilities. 

One saint was badly injured and crippled. Three others were injured badly and the remaining sustained a lot of injuries trying to fight the S-rank villain. 

The villain was strong, he was able to knock most of them with just a set of attacks.