Doubts (Villains can't fall)

Rosey had to work against Ethan now however she was not sure how to go about it.

She is sure that Ethan doesn't trust her and he doesn't trust Scarlett either. 

Also in this period when all the hero society are against DeathRoads, Ethan would tend to be careful and might not even respond to her calls. 

In her heart she wasn't ready for it, but she was just going to go through it for the sake of her family reputation. 

If Jaden tries to hurt him in her presence then she would have to go against him. 

She sat and contemplated with a grim look in her face. 

She decided to call Ethan, she got his number from her sister's phone Incase anything came up that requires that. 

Now she needed to use it. 

She let out long breath and dialed the number. 

"Hello, Ethan, it's me Rosey." 

- "Oh, Rosey. Why you calling. Is it time to finalize your killing?" Ethan joked from that part of the phone.