Being Thrown into the Wild Practical Magic Class Part 2

Emily's Point of View

The First Week – Bonding as a Party

"Sasha, quickly dodge and paralyze the wolf with your lightning magic from the wind attribute. May, use Wind Blade as soon as she is done," I instructed.

"Roger! Oh wind, bring forth lightning and bind those that try to bring harm to me. Paralyze!" Sasha shouted.

"Okay, oh wind, grace me with a powerful force that cuts all in my way. Wind Blade!" May followed up.

We heard the death howl of the silver-horned wolf after May finished it off with her wind spell.

"Well done, Sasha, Darling. That was amazing how you lured it in, temporarily paralyzed it with your lightning magic, Sasha, and your Wind Blade was amazing as well, Darling," I praised.

"The same can be said about you, Emily. Your quick thinking and leadership helped us a lot back there. How did you know the silver-horned wolf's weakness was lightning?" Sasha asked.

"Hee-hee, one of the benefits of having a teacher for a mom growing up, I guess," I replied.

I couldn't tell her that I had been sneaking off at night, practicing different theories I had with May while replenishing my mana.

"So, how many beasts have we killed so far since the practical magic class started?" May asked.

"From my count, I would say 20 so far, and we have been here for a week. I think we are making decent progress," Sasha answered.

"As do I. However, I want to wait on checking our mana pools until the end of the second week, so we don't become discouraged or overconfident either way," I added.

"I agree, Dear. I suppose we should take a break for lunch since we have the meat now," May suggested.

"I will prep and cook this time, Darling. You killed the beast, so you shouldn't have to cook it as well," I said to May.

"Aw, thank you, Dear. I shall do just that, then," May replied.

"I can cook if you two wish and Emily can prepare the meat," Sasha offered.

"No!" May and I exclaimed simultaneously.

"Wa!" Sasha yelped.

"Sa...Sorry, no. You did a lot of running around, Sasha. How about you rest for a while, and when lunch is close to being finished, you can prep the table," I said kindly.

I felt bad. However, the last time Sasha cooked, she made some kind of herb and spice concoction that burned my and May's poor mouths and stomachs like dragon's breath, so we vowed not to let her cook again.

Two weeks had passed since then. Our mana pools had increased by 8 times, and we had successfully dispatched 80 beasts so far. Since the girls dispatched the last beast, I had cooked once again. I had gotten closer with Sasha over the last three weeks and was starting to like her in a romantic way. However, because of my circumstances, I was not sure what to do. I had talked to May about it since she wanted me to find more people I could trust without a shadow of a doubt and love. As I was thinking to myself, I heard Sasha say...

"That was delicious. You are a lucky woman, May, to be with someone like Emily," Sasha said.

"Thank you, but what do you mean? I feel as though I am the truly lucky one," I responded.

"That, that is exactly what I mean," Sasha clarified.

"Hmmm," I hummed.

"Ehehe, she means you make a good bride, Dear," May teased.

After May said that, she told me that she and Sasha were going to have a private conversation for a few and that I should relax.

"Sasha and I will be back soon, Dear. We're going to talk for a bit. You should relax before we start hunting again," May said.

"Okay, Darling," I replied.

May's Point of View

"You know, Sasha, you could be just as lucky as I if you play your cards right. I don't plan on monopolizing Emily. I know she will go on to do great things, and she will need many people whom she can trust without any shadow of doubt to help her. As long as I am the first wife, I have told her she can have up to seven, one for each day of the week. Can you agree to such a thing?" I said.

"Huh, you mean, how do you know I like Emily in such a way?" Sasha asked.

"It's obvious to everyone but Ms. Dense over there. Hahaha, don't worry. You don't have to decide anything right now. However, if you truly do want to be with Emily and care for her, then you need to open up to her and get closer to her. I can tell she is starting to like you too. She has circumstances that make it so certain conditions have to be met for her to be with someone because she is the young witch of legend. If you do want to be with her, you will need to make sure you accept her no matter what. Otherwise, you will have to deal with not only me but the Professor as well. So, please think long and hard before you decide," I explained.

"What do you mean?" Sasha asked.

"What are you girls talking about!?" Professor Clark interrupted.

"Nothing, Ma'am," Sasha replied.

"Just taking care of a personal matter, Professor," I said.

"Very well. However, you two should head back to the campsite. I sense a dangerous beast is heading that way, and I am starting to worry about Emily..." Professor Clark warned.