Being Thrown into the Wild Practical Magic Class Part 3

"Darling and Sasha are taking a while, I hope they're okay," I said, growing increasingly worried about their absence.

Suddenly, a powerful force approached, causing a loud crash that shook the surroundings.

"What is this powerful force approaching? It feels like it's coming from a beast of enormous size," I exclaimed, my heart racing.

"Rawwwarrrrr!!!!!" a dragon roared, confirming my fears.

"Oh shit! It's a goddamn dragon!" I exclaimed, feeling a mix of fear and determination.

Summoning all my strength, I called upon divine light to create a protective barrier around me. "Oh, Divine light, give me a barrier that protects me from all that will cause me harm, Heavenly Barrier!"

"Um, Mr. Dragon, I'm not looking to be extra toasty over here, I'm not cold, okay?" I nervously spoke to the dragon, hoping for some form of understanding.

The dragon roared in response, indicating its hostile intentions.

"I don't think he is much of a talker, I guess I have no choice but to fight!" I concluded, realizing that diplomacy wouldn't work in this situation.

Drawing upon my mana reserves, I chanted the incantation for my powerful combination magic. "Oh spirits of flame and spirits of water, combine and form a liquid and solid that burns and hardens all, Combination Magic Magma!"

The dragon let out a pained scream as my spell struck it, but it still remained a formidable opponent. I could feel my mana dwindling, knowing that this combination magic required a significant amount of energy. I prayed that Sasha and May would arrive soon.

"You called, dear," May's voice came from behind me, bringing a sense of relief.

"Emily, are you okay? We made it in time, thank the gods," Sasha added, sounding concerned.

"Thank goodness. You saved my darling daughter. I hate to say it, but I am not allowed to interfere in this battle either. I can only give advice. You will need to do 'that' with both May and Sasha. I have already explained it to Sasha on the way, but she wishes to speak to you personally first. May, can I ask that you buy them some time?" Professor Clark explained, leaving me with a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"Yes, I will do so, but first, here, dear," May said, pulling me close and giving me a kiss. In a surprising turn of events, she bit my neck, and I instinctively reciprocated, biting hers in return.

"Now I feel as though I can take on the world, and I hope you feel better too, dear. Now go on, Sasha. Come, Professor, let's give them some privacy. I hope we get some extra credit for this," May said, displaying her unwavering support.

As they left to distract the dragon, Sasha approached me, her voice filled with a mix of understanding and love. "Professor Clark told me everything. I didn't know how to feel at first. However, I do know one thing: I could never hate you for the decision you made that day. You did it to save the one you loved. When I learned about what you have to do to keep your mana from reaching danger levels, I was a bit perplexed and a little jealous of May, to be honest. I will admit I am scared to see what you would turn into if your mana ever reached zero, and I am scared that there wouldn't be a way to turn you back into the woman I love."

Hesitant but determined, I gathered my thoughts and replied, "...I..."

"Now I understand why May wants you to find more people to fall in love with and to fall in love with you, so that you will have all these bonds to bring you back from the depths of despair that you will be in during that time. So right here and right now, I vow that I will never betray you. I will always be by your side, and I will always love you. Will you take me as your wife and enter into an eternal mana contract with me, my Witch Queen?" Sasha's heartfelt words resonated with my soul.

"I do. I will take you as my wife and vow to love you for all eternity as well. To complete the contract, we must kiss and then bite each other until we break the skin. I will take your mana to increase my mana pool, while you will take my eternal life energy to replenish your own," I responded, feeling a surge of emotions and a newfound sense of strength.

"Very well, let's do this. I don't think May can hold out much longer without us. I love you, dearest," Sasha declared, determination gleaming in her eyes.

"I agree, and I love you too, my love," I affirmed, feeling a profound sense of gratitude and connection.

After exchanging affectionate pet names, we sealed our commitment with a kiss, intertwining our destinies. We bit each other, allowing our energies to merge, creating a powerful pool of shared energy within me. It was time to confront the colossal beast before us.

"Did you finish?" May's voice echoed, breaking the intimacy of the moment.

"Yes, we did, darling," I replied, my voice filled with determination.

"Welcome to the family, my new daughter-in-law," Mother Klare warmly greeted Sasha, emphasizing her acceptance and support.

"Thank you, May. Thank you, Mother Klare," Sasha expressed her gratitude, visibly moved by the acceptance.

"Now it's time to take care of this lizard. Mother, can a strong tornado cut the wings off a dragon?" I inquired, seeking guidance for my next plan.

"Yes, it can. Why?" Mother Klare confirmed, curiosity evident in her tone.

"I want to try a new combination magic spell. Everyone, please stand back," I requested, preparing to unleash a powerful and experimental spell.

"Okay, dear," May replied, trusting my judgment.

"Good luck, dearest," Sasha said, her voice filled with unwavering support.

"Be careful, my darling daughter," Mother Klare added, her concern palpable.

Drawing upon the elements and divine forces, I chanted with all my might. "Oh, spirits, bring forth a powerful swirling wind that will mow down all in its way. Oh, divine, strike down a heavenly bolt that judges onto that which sins and causes destruction. Come together and combine. Divine Lightning Tornado!"

As my incantation reached its peak, a tremendous boom filled the air, followed by a swirling vortex of wind and lightning. The dragon let out a final, deafening roar before falling to the ground, lifeless.

"It''s dead..." I breathed, feeling a mixture of awe and exhaustion wash over me.

As the surroundings started to fade away, I heard May, Sasha, and Mother Klare rushing towards me. Mother Klare's voice broke through the fading sounds, "You did well. You can rest now. You passed with flying colors."