The Witch’s Catalyst!

My mother, Klare, stood by my side, her warm smile enveloping me. "Yes, of course you all passed, Sweetheart," she replied reassuringly. Her words washed away my anxiety, and I let out a sigh of relief. But there was something more she shared, something that both thrilled and frightened me. "You took down a D-R-A-G-O-N without my help, that is something normally hundreds of veteran adventurer wizards and witches do."

The realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. I had accomplished something extraordinary, something that had catapulted my name into the realm of legends. A mixture of pride and trepidation welled up inside me. I turned to my dear friend May, who joined the conversation, and her words confirmed the gravity of the situation.

"Sasha and I are just as famous as you were before the class began now at school, my Dear," May chimed in, her voice filled with both excitement and disbelief.

The weight of their words settled on my shoulders, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. "That's great, but what do you mean, as I was? I'm scared to know," I confessed nervously, unsure of what awaited me.

May's reply only heightened my apprehension. "Everyone is calling you the Witch of Legend like before, but now they are calling you the Dragon-slayer Witch as well. Every student, professor, and even the Headmistress is raving about you, my Darling," she explained, her eyes sparkling with pride.

A mixture of pride and worry swirled within me. Would I be able to live up to this newfound reputation? Would I be overwhelmed by the attention? My mind raced with questions, and I turned to Sasha for her perspective.

"Oh no, does that mean I am going to be steamrolled when we go to school tomorrow, my Darlings?" I asked, my voice betraying my concern.

But my mother, always wise and supportive, had an answer for me. "That is a question I can answer actually, my darling daughter. Because of your amazing achievement and your still needed rest, you and your darlings will be taking the weekend off. So why don't you three go out on a date? I have gotten permission from the Headmistress to allow you to go out into the city the academy is located in without a protection detail. So please go spend some quality time together, but don't have too much fun, wink~wink... Fufufu," she suggested mischievously.

Her words brought a blush to my cheeks, and I stammered out my mother's name, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude. But May and Sasha, ever playful and supportive, added their own playful remarks, easing the tension.

"Ehehe, you are too cute when you are embarrassed. But that does sound like fun. What do you think, Sasha?" May said, her laughter contagious.

Sasha, always capturing the moment in her own way, replied with a laugh. "You're right, she is cute. I will need to save this in my Darling journal in my brain. Oh right, yeah, I would love to go on a date with our Darling."

With their words, my worries began to fade away. The prospect of spending a day out with my beloved partners brought a spark of joy to my heart. I embraced the idea, eager to escape the pressures of school and revel in the company of those closest to me.

"I'm in, I can't wait for tomorrow," I said, a smile spreading across my face. The thought of the adventures and memories we would create together filled me with anticipation and excitement.

As the night settled in, my mother urged us to rest, emphasizing the importance of taking care of ourselves. I bid Sasha and May goodnight, cherishing the light kisses we shared and the promises of the day to come.

But just as we were about to part ways, my mother's mischievous nature couldn't resist interrupting our moment. She playfully reminded us of the date awaiting us, causing me to stammer out her name once more.

"Ehehe, Goodnight for now. Love you, my darling," Sasha said, her laughter echoing in the room.

"Fufufu, I can see the excitement in my dear's eyes. Love you, my dear. See you tomorrow morning," May added, her voice filled with affection.

Their words warmed my heart, reassuring me that no matter what challenges lay ahead, I had their unwavering support and love. With a contented smile, I settled into bed, ready to embrace the dreams that awaited me and the promising day that would follow.

Little did I know that in the realm of dreams, another surprise awaited me. As I closed my eyes and surrendered to sleep, I found myself standing in a vast field adorned with white lilies. The sound of a child's cries reached my ears, pulling me towards her. Instinctively, I ran to her side, my heart filled with a desire to help.

"Waaagh! Mommy!" the little girl wailed, her tears streaming down her face.

Concern washed over me, and I knelt beside her, asking what was wrong. In that moment, her tears ceased, replaced by a radiant smile that mirrored my own. Her words filled my heart with wonder.

"Mhm-umh. You found me. Mommy found me," she declared, her voice filled with relief and happiness.

My confusion grew, and I turned to the familiar presence of the God of Magic, who appeared before us. Acknowledging his presence, I greeted him, acknowledging the peculiarity of the situation. My question spilled out, seeking answers to the child's claim and her resemblance to me.

"I am doing well, and in a sense, you are her mother," the God of Magic explained. His words echoed through the dream realm, unraveling the mystery of the little girl's existence. She was my witch's catalyst, a manifestation of my power and mana. Her purpose was twofold: to enhance and control my spells as a wand and to utilize my mana pool for healing others in her human child form.

However, her presence was currently confined to the dream realm. To bring her into the physical world, I would need to unlock more of my power or increase my mana pool through marriage. Until then, she would be accompanied by fairy children, who would provide her with companionship and play.

Grateful for the explanation, I turned my attention to the little girl, who had yet to receive a name. I asked if she wanted me to choose, or if she desired to pick her own name.

"I want you to pick my name," she declared, her eyes shining with anticipation.

A surge of love and responsibility filled me as I contemplated the perfect name for her. After a brief moment of reflection, I offered her a suggestion: "How does the name Windy sound?"

The little girl's eyes lit up with delight, her approval evident. "I love my name. I am Windy. Thank you, I love you, Mommy," she exclaimed, her voice brimming with affection.

Overwhelmed with love for this magical being, my heart swelled with a mixture of joy and longing. I reassured her of my love and promised to hasten her arrival into the physical realm. But she, in her innocent wisdom, encouraged me to enjoy my upcoming dates and promised to wait patiently, entertained by the fairy children.

As the dream realm began to fade, I bid Windy farewell, promising to visit her in my dreams. And with that, I returned to the realm of wakefulness, the lingering presence of my newfound daughter filling me with determination and a renewed sense of purpose.