As I stood before Sister Maria's gravestone, I couldn't help but feel a heavy weight in my heart. I placed my hand on the cold stone and spoke softly, "We will never forget you, Sister Maria." The gravity of our loss hung in the air, but it also ignited a fierce determination within me and my brides. Sister Maria's memory would serve as a motivation to continue our journey and fight for what is right.
As we walked away from the gravesite, Windy's small hand slipped into mine. I led her back to the safety of our camp, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me. I knew I had to have a conversation with Windy, to explain what had happened and ensure her that I would be okay.
Once we reached the camp, I gathered Windy close and spoke to her gently, "Sweetheart, I need you to go with Mama Aria and Mama Sasha to let Nana Klare know what happened. Mama May and I will stay here."
Windy looked at me with concern in her eyes. "Are you going to be okay, Mommy?"
I mustered a smile and reassured her, "I promise I will be okay, sweetheart. Mama May will be here with me too."
Though hesitant, Windy agreed to go with Aria and Sasha, especially when Aria mentioned the prospect of pudding as a treat. I hugged Windy tightly and told her, "I love you, sweetheart."
"I love you too, Mommy," she replied before heading off with Aria, leaving me with Sasha and May.
Sasha approached me, wrapping her arms around me in a comforting embrace. "You don't have to act strong now. Lean on me, and I will help you get seated, my love."
I gratefully leaned into Sasha's embrace, feeling the exhaustion and frustration weighing on me. "Thank you, my Darling Sasha. I will ask that you do."
Sasha assured me, "It's quite all right. Please rest for now. I promise Aria and I will look after our precious daughter and keep Mother Klare from worrying too much. You just focus on recovering your lost mana."
With Sasha's support, I allowed her to guide me to a seat in our tent. May joined us, and we sat together, discussing the events that unfolded after my power was released during Sister Maria's death. The weight of the situation became even more evident as May's emotions overflowed.
"You really scared us, Dear. When you collapsed after we buried Sister Maria and Windy went to sleep, I felt as if my world was coming to an end. Please, promise me that you won't hide how you are feeling from us. I understand you didn't want to worry Windy, but why didn't you tell me... hic... sniff... I love you... I don't want to lose you..." May sobbed.
Watching May in tears broke my heart, and I knew I had failed in sharing my pain with her. I rose from my seat and walked over to her, cupping her face with my hands. I kissed her deeply, pouring my love and apology into the connection. "I am so sorry for hiding my pain from you. I shouldn't have. I love you all the same amount, but in different ways, out of all my brides, I should have told you the most. You are my first love, my best friend, my first wife. I promise I won't ever hide anything from you again. I love you too, May."
With tear-stained cheeks, May nodded and held me close. "I love you, Emily. And I forgive you. Just promise me we'll always be honest with each other."
I nodded, my voice filled with sincerity. "I promise, May. From now on, no more secrets between us."
A sudden thought crossed my mind, an unconventional but desperate way to replenish my strength. "Bite my neck to draw some mana, May. I know we were planning to wait until I regained it naturally, but I want to recover enough to be with you tonight, my love."
May looked puzzled but willing to trust me. "Very well, if that's what you wish."
As she leaned forward to bite my neck, I did the same, exchanging our life force. The energy flowed between us, invigorating my weary body and restoring my mana. Soon, we found ourselves holding each other, the bond between us deepening with each passing moment.
Before long, morning arrived, and we found ourselves lying in each other's arms. May watched me sleep, her gaze filled with affection. As she was about to get up to make breakfast, I pulled her back down, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss.
"Thank you for such a wonderful night, my darling. I love you more and more every passing day," I whispered against her lips.
May's eyes sparkled with love and contentment as she replied, "I love you too, Emily. Our love continues to grow."
But in that quiet moment, something extraordinary happened. Both of our bodies began to glow in perfect harmony, and May's wand started to vibrate, changing color and shape.
"Could this be?" I wondered aloud, my voice filled with awe.
May's excitement mirrored my own as she confirmed, "I think it is. My catalyst is appearing."