The Witch and Sister Maria

2 Months After the Events at the God of Magic's Temple

"Does everybody have everything they will need packed up and ready?" I asked my brides and daughter.

"I have my stuffed animals ready, Mommy!" Windy exclaimed.

"Hah-hah, Sweetie, that's not what you will need on an adventure. You need to pack different kinds of clothes and food for the different forms of weather we will be facing," May explained.

"Can I take at least 2, Mama May, please?" Windy pleaded with puppy eyes.

"All right, very well, but only two, okay?" May agreed.

"Yay, thank you, Mama May! I love you," Windy yelled before running to another room to choose which 2 stuffed animals she wanted to bring with her.

"I can't seem to say no to that sweet daughter of ours. I think it's because she looks just like you did when you were her age, Dear," May stated to me before linking our arms together and leaning her head on my shoulder.

"What's wrong, my Darling May? I can tell something is on your mind," I asked after kissing May on the top of her head.

"I'm worried about whether I will actually be able to unlock my witch's catalyst. I have been training non-stop for the past two months, but it feels as if I'm not making any progress. Sasha has discovered her affinity for physical enhancement magic, and Aria is making great strides with her light magic. I feel as if I am falling behind. I want to be able to help you as soon as possible. It scares me that something may happen, and I wouldn't be able to do anything to help," May explained.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked, concern etched on my face.

May shook her head. "No, I don't think so. This is something I have to do on my own. But thank you for asking, my Dear."

I hugged May tightly. "I have faith in you, My Darling May. You are strong and determined, and I know you will figure it out. We are a team, and we will face whatever comes our way together."

May smiled, feeling reassured by my words. "Thank you, Emily. You always know just what to say to make me feel better."

We sat there for a few moments, holding each other, before Windy came running back into the room, clutching two stuffed animals to her chest.

"I'm ready to go, Mommy!" Windy announced, grinning from ear to ear.

"Ha-ha, it seems you are, sweetheart. Can you go see if your Mama Sasha and Mama Aria are ready as well? We don't want to be late for the school ceremony," I said to Windy.

"Yes, Mommy!" Windy happily stated before running off to her other Mamas.

"Are you ready for the start of our adventure party, my Darling May?" I asked.

"With you by my side, I am ready for anything, my Dear," May lovingly stated.

As the school ceremony began, May, Sasha, Aria, and I sat together in the audience, listening intently to the Headmistress's speech. She announced that all first-year students would be forming their own adventurer party through the academy's Adventures Guild to gain real-life experience.

Excitement filled the room, and I could see the glimmer of adventure in the eyes of my fellow classmates. After the ceremony ended, my brides and Windy went to gather their belongings and get ready to start our journey.

As we were about to leave, Sister Maria approached us, asking if she could join our adventure party.

"Of course, we'd be honored to have you with us," I replied warmly. "Your skills and experience will surely be a valuable addition to our group."

Sister Maria smiled gratefully. "Thank you, Lady Emily. I look forward to serving and learning from you and your brides."

Curiosity getting the better of her, Sasha asked, "How did you become a nun, Sister Maria?"

"It was a calling," Sister Maria replied. "I have always felt the desire to serve and help others, and when I discovered my affinity for dark magic, I knew that I could use it to protect and defend those in need."

Aria chimed in, "A nun who can use dark magic? That's rare."

Sister Maria nodded. "Yes, it's not something commonly found in our line of work. But I believe that magic is not inherently good or evil; it's how we use it that matters."

As we journeyed through the countryside, Sister Maria's resourcefulness and kindness quickly won over my brides and me. She and Windy bonded quickly, with the little girl calling her "Auntie Maria."

"I'm glad you joined us, Sister Maria," I said with a smile. "You've been an invaluable asset to our group."

Sister Maria blushed. "I was hesitant at first. Dark magic has always been my specialty, and I wasn't sure if it would be useful on this kind of journey."

Sasha disagreed. "It's been extremely helpful. We've come across some tough situations that we wouldn't have been able to handle without your skills."

As we settled in for the night, Sister Maria regaled us with stories of her time in the convent and her hopes for the future. My brides and I listened with rapt attention, gaining a newfound respect and admiration for our new friend.

Our peaceful evening was abruptly interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. A group of bandits and dark wizards emerged from the trees, demanding we hand over all our valuables.

My brides and I immediately sprang into action, positioning ourselves in front of Sister Maria and Windy. Sister Maria used her dark magic to great effect, but the odds were against us. In the chaos, Sister Maria pushed me out of the way of a curse, taking the hit herself. She fell to the ground, gravely injured.

I rushed to her side, tears streaming down my face. "Sister Maria, please! You can't leave us!"

Sister Maria smiled weakly. "I'm sorry, Lady Emily. It's my time to go. But promise me you'll continue to fight for what's right."

Sister Maria took her last breath in my arms, surrounded by the people she had come to love and admire.

"Maria... Maria... Mariaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!" I screamed as a dark magical power started swirling around my body.

"Sisters, we have to help her!" May shouted, but before they could move, my magical power exploded, sending shockwaves across the forest. The ground shook, and the air grew thick with energy.

As my magical power surged, the bandits and dark wizards were thrown back, their bodies contorting in pain. My brides shielded Windy, their bodies bracing against the shockwaves.

The air around me crackled with electricity, and a fierce wind picked up, whipping my hair and clothes around me. My eyes glowed with an otherworldly light, and my face contorted with rage and grief.

"Sister Maria didn't deserve this!" I screamed, my voice booming across the forest. "No one deserves to die like this!"

My magical power reached a fever pitch, and I unleashed a barrage of dark magic that obliterated the remaining bandits and dark wizards. The forest around us trembled, and the ground shook with the force of my power.

As suddenly as it began, my magical power dissipated. I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face. My brides rushed to my side, supporting me as I sobbed.

Windy clung to me, her small body shaking with fear and confusion. "Mommy, what's happening?" she whimpered.

I took a deep breath and wiped my tears away. "It's okay, Windy. Everything's going to be okay," I whispered, holding her close.

We buried Sister Maria under a large oak tree, a fitting tribute to the woman who had given her life to protect and defend others. My brides and I stood solemnly, heads bowed in respect.

"We will never forget you, Sister Maria," I said, laying a hand on the gravestone.

My brides nodded in agreement; their faces set with determination. They knew that we had lost a friend and ally, but they also knew that we had gained a fierce motivation to continue our journey.

As we walked away from the gravesite, I took Windy's hand, leading her back to the safety of our camp.

The road ahead would be challenging, but I was determined to honor Sister Maria's sacrifice.