The Witch Queen and Her Lack of Memories

Windy's Perspective:

"I'm a princess?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, you are the Witch Queen's daughter and a direct creation from the combined mana of our Queen and her brides. You are the princess to the other catalysts, witches, and wizards," Nadare, the Flame Dragon, explained to me and Klare. "The Witch Queen created us catalysts to have a physical and sentient form, with the seven holy catalysts specifically made for her seven brides."

I was still processing the information. "But why doesn't my mommy remember anything from her previous incarnations as the Witch Queen?"

Nadare frowned. "I'm not entirely sure. Previous incarnations usually had some memory of their past life, but something seems to have gone wrong during the last reincarnation. I cannot recall what happened."

Klare interjected, "If that's the case, we may need to speak to the God of Magic to learn more."

Suddenly, the school bell rang, interrupting our conversation.

"Um, Professor, the bell is ringing. Are we dismissed for the day?" a student asked.

"Yes, class is dismissed," Professor Clark replied.

After the students left, Klare called out to me. "Windy, come here. School is over for the day, so let's head to your mommy. Nadare, I'll allow you to shrink down to your mini form so you can better assess the situation when we meet her."

"Yay, let's go see Mommy!" I cheered.

"Very well, and thank you for allowing me the honor of meeting my Queen again, Master," Nadare said.

After stating this, Nadare shrank down to the size of a little dog.

"You look so cute, can I hold you, Nadare?" I squealed.

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea..." Nadare hesitated, trying to hold onto her pride, but Klare teased her, saying, "Are you sure you want to deny your Princess, Nadare? After all, I am sure it would warm your Queen's heart to see her precious daughter happily hugging a cute miniature dragon."

"Ah, very well, you may hold me, my Princess," Nadare said, finally giving in.

"Yay! Thank you, Nadare! Thank you, Nana!" I happily exclaimed.

Not long after Nadare flew into my arms, we met up with Emily and her brides.

"Mommy! Mamas!" I yelled out, running to Emily.

"Hello, sweetheart. Did you have fun with Nana?" Emily asked after catching me in a hug.

"Ehehe, yeah, I had fun. Look, I made a new friend. Meet Nadare. She says I am a Princess and you and my mamas are Queens." I showed Nadare to Emily and her brides.

"I see," Emily said, examining the tiny dragon in my hands. "It's good to see you again, Nadare."

Klare stepped forward. "We were actually hoping to speak to the God of Magic about something. It seems there may be some issues with your memories, Emily."

Emily looked surprised. "What do you mean?"

"Nadare explained that previous incarnations of the Witch Queen usually had some memory of their past lives, but for some reason, you don't seem to remember anything," Klare explained.

Emily looked troubled. "I see. That is concerning. I do have some memories, such as my knowledge about magic and medicine from my previous life, but other memories are fragmented and incomplete."

Klare nodded. "We believe speaking to the God of Magic may shed some light on the situation."

"Very well," Emily said. "Let's go speak to him."

Emily's Perspective:

As we walked towards the academy town, Nadare led the way to the temple of the God of Magic. The grand structure with its towering spires sparkled in the sunlight. At the entrance, we were greeted by Sister Maria, a friendly nun.

"Welcome to the temple of the God of Magic. I am Sister Maria. How may I assist you today?" she asked.

"We seek an audience with the God of Magic," replied Klare.

Sister Maria led us through the temple's halls to a grand chamber where the God of Magic awaited us. He was an older man with a long white beard and a gentle smile.

"Welcome, Emily and company. I have been expecting you. You have come seeking answers, my child. What questions do you have for me?" the God of Magic asked.

Taking a deep breath, I spoke up. "I know that I was a man in my past life, and I wished to be born a woman and a witch. I still have some memories of my previous life, such as remembering that I was friends with May and that Klare was my mother. However, I can't remember anything else, and I can't recall anything about my previous incarnations as the Witch Queen, even though Nadare says I should remember such."

The God of Magic's expression turned serious. "It was not meant to be so, my child. You were never meant to be born a man in the first place. The false queen sought to seal the power and memories of the Witch Queen deep inside you. But the seal weakened, and I granted your wish to be reborn as a woman and a witch so that you could have another chance to defeat the false queen."

I felt a wave of emotions wash over me as I absorbed the truth of my past. "What about my lost memories? Why can't I remember much about my past life?"

"The seal that was placed upon you in your past life as a man has affected your memories. The false queen's power still lingers, and it will manifest itself again. You must continue to master your magic and find the remaining four brides to help you on your journey," the God of Magic replied.

The God of Magic turned his attention to May, Sasha, and Aria. "As for you three, you must train harder than ever to unlock your holy catalysts. You are crucial to recovering more of Emily's and your own previous life's memories."

I listened intently to the God of Magic's words, taking them to heart. As the meeting came to an end, I couldn't help but feel a sense of determination to uncover the truth about my past and to protect those I loved. As we left the temple, Sister Maria approached me.

"Emily, I sense a great power within you. If you ever need my assistance, please do not hesitate to ask," Sister Maria said with a smile.

"Thank you, Sister Maria. I appreciate your kindness," I replied, feeling grateful for the new ally I had made.