The Witch’s Mother and Her Granddaughter

Emily's Perspective:

"Let's go introduce Windy to her grandmother," I suggested, my eyes lit up with excitement.

"I want to meet my grandma!" Windy exclaimed eagerly.

Aria nodded, "Yes, you will meet Mother Klare soon, Windy. But let's make sure that class is over first."

As we approached the classroom, May wondered aloud if we had missed the lesson. We heard the bell chime, signifying the end of class.

"We finished just in time. I hope we won't get into too much trouble," Sasha said, a hint of worry in her voice.

"Don't worry, my dear daughters and daughter-in-law. Why would you be in trouble for visiting me?" Mother Klare's voice came from behind us, startling us.

Apologizing for disrupting the class, Aria stammered, "I'm sorry, Mother Klare."

Mother Klare waved it off, "It's alright. But you four will have to make up for the lesson you missed. Now, what's this about a granddaughter?"

With a smile, I stepped forward, "Dearest Mother, I would like to introduce you to your granddaughter, Windy."

Carrying Windy over to Mother Klare, I beamed with pride as I made the introduction.

"Oh, what an adorable little creature. She looks just like you did at that age, Emily. Can you call me Nana?" Mother Klare asked, her expression ecstatic.

"Ehehehe, It is nice to meet you, Nana. I am Mommy's catalyst or wand, and I am also her daughter. I have two forms: my wand form, which is my combat form when Mommy needs me, and my human witch form, which is my support form. I am made up of Mommy's and all of my Mama's mana," Windy explained to Nana Klare, who listened intently.

"Wow, that's impressive, how you could explain all of that at your age, sweetheart. Well, given that your Mommy and Mama still have some classes to attend, unless they want to skip the entire school day?" Nana Klare asked, giving me and Sasha a warning stare.

"No, Ma'am, I don't want to set a bad example for my daughter by skipping classes," I stated quickly.

"Haha, you're too cute when you're flustered, dear. But what are we going to do about our darling daughter?" May asked.

"You girls can leave that to me. This granddaughter of mine can be my little teacher's assistant. Would you like that, sweetheart?" Nana Klare asked Windy.

"Um! That sounds fun, I get to help Nana," Windy stated.

"I wanted to spend some more time with our daughter though," Sasha whined.

"What?" Nana Klare asked.

"Nothing, Mother Klare," Sasha said.

"Ara, ara, I can sense the fear of our dearest mother-in-law in you, Sasha," Aria laughed, teasingly.

"Now, head off to your next class, girls. I promise Windy will have fun with me, and she will still have every hair on her head when you see her again," Nana Klare stated.

"Very well, behave for your Nana, okay, sweetheart? I love you," I said to Windy, giving her a light hug.

"I will. I love you too, Mommy," Windy said, hugging me back.

After bidding our goodbyes, Aria, Sasha, and I departed while Windy and Nana Klare discussed how Windy could assist as a teacher's aide.

Windy's Perspective:

"Come along, sweetheart. Let's go to my next class," Nana Klare said to me.

"Okay, Nana," I replied, holding Nana's hand.

Ding, ding.

"Hello," I greeted the students as they entered the classroom.

"Ah, she's so cute," a female student exclaimed.

"Doesn't she look a lot like Lady Emily?" another student said.

"She couldn't be her daughter, could she?" one of the male students asked.

"Alright, that's enough. Please take your seats. I would like to introduce my new teacher's assistant, my granddaughter Windy Clark. Yes, she is Emily's daughter, but I will not allow this to be a distraction. You are witches and wizards who have passed an extreme exam to attend this academy, and it is expected of you to ignore any distractions, no matter how adorable they may be," Professor Clark declared.

Silence fell over the exasperated students.

"Now, would you like to introduce yourself to the students, Windy?" Professor Clark asked.

"Yes, Professor. My name is Windy, and I am my Mommy Emily's witch's catalyst or wand and daughter. I hope I can be of help and learn more magic with everyone," I nervously stated.

"Very well done, Windy. You can take a seat at my desk. Now, can anyone tell me what a witch's or wizard's catalyst is?" Professor Clark asked her students.

"Yes, Professor. A catalyst or wand brings out a witch's or wizard's true magical power, and helps the caster better control their mana for more frequent casts," a female student answered.

"Excellent. Now that we know what a catalyst is, can anyone tell me where it comes from?" Professor Clark posed the question once again.

Silence filled the classroom as no one could answer the question.

"The catalyst originates from the soul of a witch or wizard; it is a representation of their attributes and mana. A catalyst in the form of a human, like me, is extremely rare, and it is due to my Mommy being the Witch of Legend. However, that does not mean other witch's and wizard's catalysts cannot have two forms. Would you all like to witness the famed Witch of the East catalyst's secondary form?" Professor Clark asked me and my fellow students.

"Yes!" All the students exclaimed in excitement.

"Yay! I am eager to meet Nana's catalyst," I said happily.

"Very well, let's head outside," Professor Clark said.

After a short while, we arrived outside, and Professor Clark began to chant to summon her catalyst's secondary form.

"Come forth, great guardian of the skies, ruler of the land, the great flame dragon Nadare!" Professor Clark chanted.

When the chant ended, Professor Clark's wand flew into the air, and a swirl of flames wrapped around it into a giant ball before a giant dragon emerged from the flames where the wand had been.

"Wow! Are you sure this is safe, Professor?" a student asked.

"Of course it is safe. This is Nadare, my catalyst. She represents my attributes of fire and wind and the powerful mana flowing within me," Professor Clark stated.

"It is an honor to meet you, Nadare. I am Nana's granddaughter and also a catalyst," I said, bowing slightly.

"It's you. My apologies. I didn't realize the Queen's daughter was in my presence. Please forgive my rudeness, Princess," Nadare responded telepathically to me, so only I and Professor Clark could hear.

"I'm a princess?" I asked in surprise.