The Witch and The Fairy (Part 3)

I whispered to myself with an anxious heart, "Aria, please be okay." The worry for my friend consumed me as I chanted the teleportation spell, hoping it would help me reach her faster.

In an instant, a tall and menacing wizard appeared before me. His intimidating presence didn't deter me. I was determined to find Aria.

"Where the hell did you come from, girlie! You better get outta here or you're going to be in a lot of pain," the wizard threatened.

Ignoring his words, I boldly asked, "Where is Aria? Where is the Light Fairy you've taken?"

The dark wizard sneered, realizing his opportunity had slipped away. He signaled his followers to capture me.

Surrounded by dark wizards and witches, I refused to back down. "So, you aren't just a grunt, huh? I guess that makes things easier."

The leader mocked me, asking, "What do you mean by that? What is a tiny little girl like you going to do against all of us?"

Fueled by anger and determination, I cast my newly developed attack spell, "Grant me a Thousand Blades of Wind, Whirlwind Barrage!" The spell created a whirlwind of wind blades that severely injured the dark wizards and witches, including their leader.

As the leader groaned in pain, he asked, "Ahh...who, who are you?"

With confidence, I replied, "I am the one you have been searching for, I am the Witch of Legend. Now, tell me, where is Aria?"

Stubbornly, the leader refused to reveal Aria's whereabouts. He bit off his own tongue to avoid giving me any information.

Realizing time was running out, I knew I had to find Aria quickly. I activated my search magic once again, desperately trying to locate her. Finally, I pinpointed Aria's mana signature.

"I must hurry, Aria is getting weaker," I muttered to myself, racing toward her location with determination.

When I found Aria, she was bound in chains and badly beaten. Panic filled me as I approached her.

"Aria, I'm here, please hold on!" I pleaded, my voice filled with fear and urgency.

"My Darling Master, I knew you...would...come..." Aria's voice faded in and out as she struggled to stay conscious.

I summoned wind blades to cut the chains binding Aria, freeing her from her restraints. Determined to save her, I attempted a healing spell.

"Oh, divine, please shine your light upon this poor soul and heal what ails them. Divine Healing," I chanted, hoping for a miracle.

But my mana was running low, and the spell wasn't enough. I realized I needed to do something drastic. The idea of a Witch Queen contract flashed in my mind.

"Aria, would you be willing to enter a Witch Queen contract with me?" I proposed, hoping for her agreement.

Confusion laced Aria's weakened voice as she asked, "What is that?"

I explained, my words filled with both love and desperation, "It's a contract that only I can make with someone I truly love, and who loves me in return. I have the contract with May, but I want to offer it to you as well. It allows us to share each other's mana and bonds us together for all eternity. I love you, Aria, and I feel like we were meant to be together. Do you love me, and do you want to try this contract with me?"

"Yes, I love you more than anything, and I will do anything to be with you forever, my Darling Master," Aria responded, her voice filled with sincerity.

With her confession, I pulled Aria into a tight embrace, and we both bit each other's necks, exchanging life force and mana as we performed the Witch Queen contract. But to my horror, Aria's body began to fade.

"No! Aria, what's happening?" I cried out, clutching her fading form.

"My physical form is made up more of mana than anything else. I'm afraid I won't survive the Witch Queen contract," Aria explained, her voice fading along with her body.

Devastated, I blamed myself for the loss. I held onto Aria, sobbing uncontrollably.

Not long after, May and my mother Klare arrived, finding me still mourning, holding onto where Aria once was. My mother carried me home, and I shared the painful story with them.

"I can't believe she's gone. It's all my fault," I lamented, feeling the weight of guilt on my shoulders.

May comforted me, assuring me it wasn't my fault. But for weeks, I remained in my home, crying in the arms of May and my mother.

Back to the present, as I finished recounting the story to Windy, tears threatened to spill from my eyes once again. But looking at my daughter, I found solace.

"Please don't cry, Mommy. Mama Aria is here now," Windy said, trying to console me.

My tears began to dry as I gazed at my daughter's innocent face. "You're such a sweet girl, Windy. But I'm not sad anymore. I'm crying because I'm so happy that you and Mama Aria are finally home with me, Mama May, and Mama Sasha."

I looked at May, Sasha, and Aria with a warm and bright smile. "I am so grateful to have such a wonderful family. Now, let's go introduce our sweet daughter to her grandmother."