The Witch and The Twins (Part 3)

I held Windy in my arms as she excitedly asked, "Mommy, are these two my new Mamas?" Ava and Ema stood before us, their eyes filled with anticipation.

I smiled at Windy's innocence and replied, "Maybe, sweetheart. They have a special connection to my previous lives as the Witch Queen. I need to talk to Freya about what we can do."

Just as I mentioned her name, Freya entered the room, walking gracefully and bowing to me. "You called, my Queen," she said respectfully.

I returned her bow, although I didn't feel deserving of such formality. "Please, Freya, there's no need to bow. After all, you are family as well. I called you because I need your guidance. These are Ava and Ema, and they believe they were my brides in past incarnations as the Witch Queen. Ava has been having visions during the day, and Ema has been experiencing dreams. They are seeking answers and understanding."