The False Queen and The Evil in the Dungeon (Part 1)

"Dear, what's wrong?" May asked in panic as she rushed over to me.

"Waaa! Mommy! I see a mean-looking Witch!" Windy screamed.

Aria quickly intervened, holding Windy and trying to calm her. "Sweetheart, Mama Aria is here. You're safe."

Meanwhile, Sasha ran over to me to assist May in holding me down. Ema, noticing the commotion, asked Freya what was happening.

"A memory of the evil witch, the False Queen, must have been unlocked, and because Windy is our Queen's catalyst, she sees the memories as well," Freya explained. "As our Queen's brides and catalysts, we have the power to calm her during moments such as these when her magic is out of control. May, may I have permission to calm our Queen?"

"Of course, just do what you have to do to help Emily and our daughter," May said in a hurry.

"I will do so now. May, please focus all of your love for Emily into me," Freya instructed.