
Things changed after the axes had been gone over.

"Now, we have the bows."

Yagnar brought them forward one after the other just like the previous weapons.

A Shortbow. A Longbow. A Broadbow. And a Greatbow.

Mikhail couldn't help but notice how they followed a similar naming convention to the swords. And that was made even more apparent when he translated the phrases to English within his mind.

Mikhail actually knew a little bit about bows, because he had thought them to be an extremely cool weapon. Programming them into his final project during his last semester. However… Suffice to say, accurately reproducing the Archer's paradox into the arrow system was a major pain in the ass.

However, he paid attention to Yagnar regardless. Researching bows on whichipedia was no substitute for the words of a man with experience, after all.

"So, the Shortbow… It lacks both power and distance, and is basically worthless unless you're training a child or sparring. But, I'm showing it to you anyway so you have a firm grasp on the basic weapons."

The Shortbow was sent back inside the carriage.

Next came the Longbow.

"This is the standard bow. Decent range, decent power. A bow suitable for young mortals refining their bones."

The weapon rotated to the next one.

"This here is the Broadbow. As you can see, it is about the size of your torso. You need some serious muscle to pull back the bow string, but in return for your efforts you get a great range and great power."

And then it rotated to the last bow.

"Now, we got the Greatbow. This ridiculous thing needs more than muscle. It needs the strength of an {Evolver} to be pulled back. But in return, it has a monstrous range and frightening piercing power."

Mikhail hummed as he listened to that explanation… He didn't know what an {Evolver} was, yet he did know one thing… That damn bow was bigger than he was! There was no way he could effectively wield that thing!

'I don't even think my arms are long enough to pull it back properly just yet,' he thought while stretching his arm out.

Seeing the consternation on the young man's face, Yagnar brought the bow back to the ensemble and moved those three bows to the end of the line.

Next up was the last set of explanations… The polearms. This set of weapons were unique since the size class was dependent on the size of the sharp end of the weapon, rather than the size of the entire weapon.

Because they were all technically the same size.

The Spear. The Glaive. The Halberd. And the Lance.

The Spear was an easy weapon to wield but a difficult one to master — a trait all polearms shared — boasting an effective piercing power and also doubling as a stave since the wood and or bone of the pole was typically a little flexible like a stave would be.

The Glaive was a little different. It boasted the same piercing power but also included a sharpened edge that allowed one to perform slashes with their spears. And, it couldn't be used as a stave in the same fashion a spear could

"It's still technically possible, but the long sharp edge and sturdier pole makes it a bit of a tedious endeavor…" Yagnar said while scratching at his stubble.

And the Halberd was really different. The typical blade had the shape of an axe-head with a pike protruding off its flat head. It boasted devastating chopping power and still included the piercing power of the spear.

"This one is damn near impossible to use like a stave. You'd be making egregiously telegraphed movements, basically defeating the purpose of using it like a stave in the first place."

And finally, the last of the basic weapons…

The Lance.

Its hilt was a mere quarter of the weapon's length unlike the rest of the polearms. Yet, its entire length past that point was dedicated to raw piercing power. It forsook the versatility of the other previous classes and put all of its focus onto a singular point.

"Alright, so with that, my little class on basic weapons is done. So, are you ready to choose?"

Mikhail shook his head.

"Give me a minute or two, I need to think about it."

Yagnar nodded, but his words seemed to contradict that affirmation. "You've got until the rest of the young fellas are done washing up."

Mikhail knew that everyone should be on their way by now… He tried to quickly sift through a few opinions, considering picking up a Broadsword. But then he considered a Longsword and a Parmula Shield.

But then he thought of using a Great Hammer!

Or a Battle Axe!

Or maybe a Broadbow and short sword?

Maybe a Greatbow!

Or perhaps a Hand Axe and Short Sword?

A Lance?!

Mikhail was afflicted with analysis paralysis as he continued weighing his options, losing his grasp on the flow of time… His mind grew messy as he tried to focus on making a decision, and in the slurry of his thoughts, he subconsciously drifted to a simpler time…






"My fucking god, what the hell do you want? I'm trying to work on our project right now!"

A slurred voice came out the speaker of Mikhail's smartphone.

"Ahhhaaa, that's my maaaan!"

Mikhail felt as if a vein was going to pop on his forehead.

"You… YOU MOTHER FUCKER! The deadline is approaching and you're out partying right now!? Fuck you!"

He angrily tapped on the screen, hitting the red icon to end the call.

"Worthless cunt…"

He put his head down and growled angrily into his arm, muffling the sound of his anger. Ruby looked up from the textbook she was reading and sighed.

"/\/\1Ch@3L… Bring your angry ass over here for some mother fucking cuddles."

Mikhail sighed as he threw his head up and back from its current position, before looking down at the screen again.

A low-poly three dimensional model of a man wearing a leopard hide could be seen, and he was holding a spear.