
Various gizmos were visible around the spear.

Mikhail had been tirelessly programming the functionality of the spear into the prototype. He had spent an obscene amount of time studying how spears functioned, going so far as to purchase one and swing with it to get an in-depth feel for it.

He had been racking his brain on how he could program the mesh modifier functionality to simulate the feel of the flexible polearm before that bastard interrupted his train of thought…

Letting out a sigh, Mikhail admitted defeat and went over to Ruby for a much needed break…


Mikhail grimaced as the memory stopped flowing…

He was gifted with a stronger body. He was living a life many people in his last life were willing to die to experience, and he was surrounded by new friends.

And plenty of fantastical beauties to boot!

It was great, of course!


He missed his old friends. He missed his family. He missed Ruby. He missed everyone… But even before he had ended up here, somehow… Those people had almost all died already. With no time to mourn, having been forced to go on the run and survive on scraps for months before getting detained…

Mikhail found himself in a rather foul mood now.

But, at the very least, he realized the best choice he could make.

"I'll choose the spear."

Yagnar nodded, causing the other weapons to float back into the carriage before the door behind him suddenly closed, seemingly on its own.

The spear floated to him, and Mikhail didn't hesitate to grab it.

It was far less impressive looking than the one he had bought in his last life, using the little money he had to his name for the sake of fulfilling his desire for a true to life spear hunting experience…

Yet, somehow, it felt more real. The rough texture of the beast bone spear's pole. The way the sunlight bounced off that matte white material. The way he was about to take this thing into a hunt…

And it wasn't just that.

The way the polearm seemed to be made out of some sort of segmented beast spine with sanded down edges, and the way the spear's tip came out and up into a point kind of like an arrow's head…

It just inexplicably felt more… Right.

Shaking his head, Mikhail turned his attention back to Yagnar.

"Alright then! I think you've made a damn fine choice there. It's like the spear was resonating with you!"

He walked over, crossing the distance quickly.

Mikhail looked up at the tall orc, in order to maintain eye contact.

"You only really gotta know two things about the spear!"

Mikhail nodded.


Yagnar abruptly kicked Mikhail's legs apart, causing him to stumble forward, now falling face first towards the ground. But, luckily, he felt a sudden tug on his collar, keeping him in an awkward crouching position.

"You need to crouch down a little."


Yagnar pulled on the back of his collar, causing him to feel an uncomfortable choking sensation. Yet it was gone as quickly as it came.

"You gotta keep your posture stable!"

Yagnar let go, and despite Mikhail's initial fear due to this strange and unfamiliar position… He remained stable.


Yagnar slowly walked in front of him before turning around, and then he held his open palm out in front of him casually.

"Let's see if that body of yours is any good for hunting."


"Stab my hand."

"Wait but-"

"Mikhail, you little squirt, do you honestly think you can miraculously jump {Minor Realms} after picking up a spear for the first time?" Yagnar said with a taunting smirk.

'Right… How stupid of me. Nearly forgot where I was…'

"Jump what now?" he said in genuine confusion.

"...Up to my level," Yagnar said, not really feeling like doing any more teaching for today.

Mikhail shook his head. "As if… My mind was just wandering."

"I gotta wonder what a smart kid like you is lost in thought about sometimes… Shouldn't you be more excited about testing out your spear? Oh, whenever you're ready by the way."

Mikhail nodded before pulling back and then thrusting the spear forward with as much force as he could!

His posture slipped slightly, but remained stable nonetheless.

And all that power he mustered… Seemingly disappeared the second the tip came in contact with the skin of Yagnar's palm. Mikhail's eyes widened in shock.

'What the hell?! I would've expected at least a small jerk of the man's hand! What the hell is he made of?! Shock absorbers?!'

Yagnar let out a boisterous laugh when he saw the expression of pure stupor painted across the young looking lad's face.

It took him a short while to calm down, before wiping a tear from his eye.

"Ah man, you've got some real weight behind that partially refined body of yours! I'm impressed!"

Mikhail got up from the crouching position, and casually put the spear's butt to the ground as he held onto it.

"That's it?"

Yagnar nodded.

"Yeah, that simple! After that, all you gotta do is be strong enough to actually hurt your opponent!" he said before laughing again.

"Anyway, don't let me keep you. Go join the hunting squad!"

Mikhail nodded and turned to leave, but before he could take a step forward, Yagnar caught his attention again.

"Before I forget… Both of you, take these!!"

Yagnar reached behind his chair and pulled out two leather garments, seemingly fitted with shiny scales. He threw them over to Mikhail and then to Mog, both of which managing to catch them with ease.

'Damn, this is hefty as hell!' Mikhail thought to himself as he slung it over his shoulder.

"You remember the directions?" Yagnar said as he assumed his relaxed posture from before.

"Just outside the camp to the west," he replied.

Yagnar smiled before sending them off, picking up his book and opening it to the page he was currently on.

While following those directions, Mog taught Mikhail how to put on the leather armor and did so himself.

And soon, they found Yargol surrounded by a bunch of gals. They were all in a rather large clearing; and the ground there was barren save for some dark green grass.

Currently, Yargol was chatting up a quite frankly ridiculously good looking orc.

That good looking orc was, of course, Glasha.

A young adult who was very well-endowed, her womanly features needing to be accommodated for with tailor-made leather armor. With skin that was a vibrant green, and long hair that was a glossy black.

She currently had that hair tied up into a braided ponytail right now.

"Hey, Glasha!" Mog said, before a devious grin spread across his face. "I've got something I need to tell you."

Mikhail turned to him with a gasp. He was going to do it right now? Right here? In front of everyone?! This was borderline social murder!

Yargol would never live this down!

"Hm? What's up Mog?"

His eyes met Yargol's for an instant. He could see a worried, pleading smile spread on his face, begging him not to do it.

"Yargol stole a pair of your underwear."