
Azalea bashed back the headbutt of a Carnotaur with her buckler shield, its triangular horns breaking at the tips from the impact.

"I refuse to give up, damn it!"

The woman's eyes darted over to the battlefield adjacent to hers, briefly catching sight of the sparkling pale-yellow glow surrounding Amir in the distance.

The guttural croak of the Baryonyx dying followed shortly afterwards, but Azalea paid it no mind as a cloak of Shade covered her hand. With a tossing motion, the cover of Shade shot forward and smacked the Carnotaur in the face.

It reeled back and let out a guttural roar, and in its blind stupor, bashed its head into another beast. A Cycnorhamphus that had been in the middle of its flight ahead. Azalea's eyes followed how the small avian beast got skewered an instant later by one of the spear wielders once it hit the ground.