
Mikhail got off the ground, fighting back a cough that would've disrupted his balance.

The sound of a familiar voice laughing graced his ears, but he didn't pay much mind to it.

He looked at the carnage surrounding him with a listless look in his eyes. Almost all the people he had been fighting with were dead. He wished he could have done more to help them, but he was only a single man.

Now, he stood with four others, defending the mortals in the distance behind him.

Tybalt, Benvolio, Romeo, and Mercutio looked even worse than Mikhail.

All of them were covered from head to toe. Both in their own blood and that of the many beasts on the ground. Their appearance gave pause to the beasts that had been charging at them, coupled with the gore at their feat.

This threatening look was part of the reason that the group had fared so well for so long.