Ch 158: A pro taking a punch in the face

Xalroz had a quick reaction letting go of the left arm belonging to the dark elf Zindee. Catching at the wrists of the hand and doing a whole twist of that arm moving to now standing behind her as he kept that same arm twisted at a good pressure of pain.

Zindee didn't Make a sound while in pain, keeping it to herself while trying to see how she would get out of this hold.

"Close but wasn't there to kill me not that it would happen," Xalroz says right as he gives a kick in the butt sensing her forward by the push.

Zindee studied herself turning back fast, noting that the dagger witch in that hand was now on the floor nearby that dark elf to get hold of. Yet he pays no mind to it, ignoring the blade and walking to the bed to take care of the imp Veez wounded, but not at a life-threatening level in losing an imp who hasn't been around for that long with him.