Ch 159: One more punch

"I wonder if there any chance we can have a moment to fuck." Xalroz just said this to Zindee, whose eyes go wide at what just came out of his thinking. He had lost his mind at the moment.

"What the fuck are you talking about."

Getting off guard by that, Xalroz uses it to kick her in the stomach to send the dark elf backward away from him and to leave behind the dagger still in him.

He reached for that dagger, grabbed its handle, and pulled it out of his right shoulder, causing the blood to spill out, falling down the body and down to the floor drop by drop.

Zindee was pissed at letting such a mistake happen, losing her dagger once again, this time it being used by him as Xalroz held the dagger at a downward angle as the blade part pointed to the floor.