"Is he going to be alright?" Xavier asked. "Does he need to go to the Healing halls?"
Declan placed a palm over Min Ho's face. "He isn't running a fever. The bones repaired themselves ok. The bruises over his stomach will heal up in a day or two."
Xavier stared at the injured boy. His breath was even, his chest barely moving as he slept. He looked so peaceful that it appeared as if the event of a few minutes ago never happened.
"Thank you...for...thank you, Declan." His head was bowed from both embarrassment and relief.
There was no sort of reply or acknowledgement to his gratitude, though.
He risked a glance at Declan to find him glaring, those bright green eyes clouded by golden rings of barely suppressed fury.
"I was simply being grateful for what you—"
"You did nothing."
Xavier was taken aback. Though Declan looked capable of punching a tree to splinters from the rage in his veins, his voice was surprisingly calm.