CHAPTER 3: Poverty is a disease part 1

5th December 2022 5:35 pm

On a soccer field at North Cliff high school, a group of 12th-grade students can be seen. They are all neatly arranged in two lines. One line for the female students and the other line for the male students. Each student has a serious expression on their face. In front of each of them, a large trash bin can be seen. The contents of the bins are textbooks, writing books, notes, and other stuff a student would use every day of school. " ATTENTION!!" one male student shouts and with a swift motion each student raises their hands in front of them.

Each student has a match stick in hand and they all light their match sticks in unison." For over 300 days we have suffered. For over 300 days we have worked hard. Ladies and gentlemen, today we become MAN and WOMEN" the same boy continues to speak. Some of the students even begin to tear up. " Let us burn the memories of this year onto our souls. Let us say goodbye to high school and greet the real world with our heads held high" with those words the students all drop their matches into the bin." Boom!" with a slight sound of an exploding.

Small flaming pillars burst out from each bin lighting the faces of each student. The air force generated from the flames causes the only article of school uniform on their bodies to flatter like the capes of heroes. Each student on that field, wearing a navy blue customed school jacket felt that at that moment they looked cool. David was no exception" Hahahaha!" David and the other students all laughed with joy as they all enjoyed this precious moment.


"Later guys," I say my goodbyes to the friends I have in this world as it may be the last time I ever see them again. I begin my long walk home. I take my time as I enjoy the scenery. Today is my 5th day on Ethan and life is pretty good. It is pretty easy for me to feel the difference between Ethan and Earth. It's the air. Every time I breathe or the wind passes by me, I feel there is something more in the air. I assume this extra thing in the air is spirit energy. Ethan is a world in the novel I have read called Arcane kings online or AKO.

This world is similar to Earth but with some differences. The first major difference is the technology and the greatest difference is the existence of the energy called spirit energy. It's an energy that allows some privileged people in this world to get superpowers. These people are called cultivators and they are the secret rulers of this world. Normal people don't know that cultivators exist and just think it's all myths. It's best if I don't meet any of them. Most of them will kill you for looking at them wrongly, they think of normal people to be less than insects.

My family isn't rich but we don't have to worry about money because my parents have very good jobs. My mom is a nurse at some private hospital and my dad is a high school math teacher. So yeah we are doing good I must say. The most fascinating thing about this world to me is how much more advanced it is compared to Earth. For starters, my parents still had these same jobs on Earth but our standard of living was less than it is now. Just as I'm walking home right now. Every normal car I see drive pass by me looks as good as a Ferrari or a Lamborghini. These cars also don't make as much noise as the ones on earth. But the closest example to their advancement is my phone.

My goodness, I can't even compare it to those on earth. The difference is too large and my phone is considered below average in this world. The common communication device in this world is a bracelet-looking device. My parents each have one but unfortunately, they won't be buying me one until my birthday next year. I continue my walk home while taking in the sights around me. I suddenly see a poster. I approach the poster and see it is about Arcane kings online. As I look at this game, excitement fills my heart. Arcane kings online is the first full-dive virtual reality game produced in this world. It can simulate the game world with 100% realism. It will look and feel the same as the real world.

When I previously said that cultivators were the secret rulers of this world, I meant it. Unfortunately, AKO is not a cultivation novel. In this universe, powerful gods exist that can destroy worlds like Ethan just by farting. I'm being serious. So these gods use the game AKO as a way to increase the level of Ethan as a whole. And also so they can find some entertainment in their boring lives. AKO is not just some game. If you gain achievements in the game you can get your in-game powers and skills transferred to your real self.

If I make proper plans and take advantage of my knowledge of the novel I will be even stronger than the main character of the novel...I hope. As I keep looking at the poster, my excitement grows with each passing second. As I reach the bottom of the poster all my excitement disappears. The price of the gaming helmet is printed in bold.'50000 Global dollars' looking at this price my legs lose strength. " Thump!" with that sound, I kneel on the side of the pavement. All my dreams of flying with a flaming sword while fighting a dragon have just been crushed. A single tear falls from my right eye as I cry out towards the sky." Poverty is a disease!!"

-----3rd PERSON POV


In a lavishly Decorated room, three women can be seen laying on a massive bed wearing clothes that leave nothing to the imagination. One look at any of these three women would be enough to bewitch any man or woman. The one on the right has long white hair with amazing curves in all the right places. Her unique light purple skin, bright green eyes, and the two detached horns floating near her forehead. All these features give her a seductive presence. The smile on her face only increases her allure The one in the middle has long shining golden hair, porcelain white skin, and golden eyes that emit light.

A golden halo floats above her head and with curves even more exaggerated than the one on the right. The bright smile on her face makes her beauty stand out. The last one is a cold beauty with short black hair with strands of silver. Her figure and white skin are just as appealing as the others. Her silver glowing eyes are focused on a projected holographic image in front of her. All three beautiful women have their attention grabbed by the image of a young man kneeling on the pavement and shouting.

"Hahaha! this boy sure is amusing," the purple-skinned woman says with a smile on her face. " How have we not known of his existence until now, it makes no sense." the black-haired woman says in an emotionless tone." His soul does not belong to this universe. But it does not matter, he will be mine," the golden-haired women says as she licks her lips, the golden glow of her eyes intensifying.

" Don't be so greedy Lachesis. Not even you can handle all that" the black-haired girl says. If one could see through the eyes of the three women. One would witness the sight of David covered in a golden halo with silver dots of lights around his body. Three pairs of glowing eyes green, silver, and gold shine brightly within the room. All of them stare at David's image with greed and desire in their eyes.


10th December 2022, 10:23 am South Park City, West View town

David can be seen exiting a bus wearing casual clothes and caring a bag on his back. He pulls out his phone and opens the map. After a few seconds of staring at his screen, he heads in a certain direction. Today David is job hunting. After realizing that the VR gaming helmet is too expensive for his parents to buy him one. He had decided to take matters into his own hands. In the past 4 days, he has been searching for nearby jobs that will give him the most money. He has other ways of making a lot of money and fast as well.

Unfortunately, those other plans require AKO to be released.

Sadly the release date is scheduled for the 1st of January 2023 which is 20 days away. But he has not lost all hope. Even if he can't Log onto the game the same day it is released. At max, it will take him 5 days to sell information about the game on the forum. and earn 50000 global dollars. Making money using AKO will be very easy. Especially since all of the world's most famous gaming companies and guilds are joining AKO. Even big international companies are waiting to see how well AKO perform for them to invest in it. While some smart companies have already begun their investment in AKO.

After 15 minutes of walking David arrives in front of a closed restaurant and knocks on the door. After a few seconds, a burly middle-aged man wearing a black coat comes out. The man is just as tall as David and has a big smile on his face. The man has long curly black hair and black eyes. " Oh, finally the last employee has arrived. You are David, right?" The man asks David. While looking at the man David suddenly starts to have a bad feeling about the man in front of him.

Although the man was smiling, David began to feel like he is being watched by a predator. David ignores these feelings and greets the man. " Yes that's right, I'm David. I am here for the vacancy for a waiter" David says to the man." That's good, call me uncle Joe. Now then let's get in, I have to show you your working environment and tell you what you will be doing" Joe says and turns around to enter the shop. David does not see that Joe's smile changes to an evil one, once he turned.

David enters the shop with Joe and he is shown the facilities in the shop. Joe explains to him what his job will be about and what his responsibilities will be. After 20 minutes the two people stop as Joe asks David." David now that you know what this job is about, what do you think?".David replies " It's pretty good. But where are the other employees?".Hearing the question the man almost laughs but controls himself not wanting his prey to find out about everything right now." They are all in the basement having a meeting about who will be the head waiter. I leave this decision to you employees," Joe says.

" Oh! I see. Wait doesn't that mean that I'm missing the meeting?" David says in realization. " Then we better join..." just as Joe is speaking, his words are cut off by a shout from the outside. " Joe it's me, John, open up!" hearing the voice Joe excuses himself and goes to attend to whoever is at the door. Now alone in the restaurant, David begins to smile with joy. This job was a limited-time offer for 10 vacancies. Applicants had to be younger than 20 and the pay is 500 global dollars a month.' At least this job will give me something to do until AKO is released' David thought to himself.

Looking around the restaurant David notices a door that leads to somewhere Joe had not shown him. David knows it's not the basement because Joe had shown him its door. Full of curiosity David approaches the door. He opens only it to see something he did not expect. In the room, a beautiful young girl can be seen tied up with her clothes in tatters. Her face is filled with tears as she looks at him with pleading eyes.

" Oh shit!" David exclaims realizing that this is really happening. David thinks of a plan. He knows that there is a big window on the other side of the restaurant. If he unties her and they run to that window, they can jump through the window, can avoid Joe at the entrance, and run to help. It only takes him 2 seconds to make the plan. Without further hesitation, David rushes to the girl." What is this" David says. He tries to untie the girl but the rope won't move at all like it's stuck.

"Ok hang on I'll carry you" after saying this David carries the girl. He looks into the girl's eyes trying to comfort her. "Hmm, hmm!" the girl tries to tell David something but no words leave her mouth. 'Is she a mute" David thinks to himself while running towards the exit of the room." What do we have here?" hearing Joe's voice David stops running. Just as David was about to leave the room, two men appear at the door. One of them is Joe and the other is a man that looks exactly like Joe but wearing a white coat. David places the girl on the ground, then goes into a boxing stance ready to fight.

"Joe let me deal with this one" the second man, John says as he approaches David. 'Good if I take them one on two I will most likely lose. But if I beat the first one fast I will have a higher chance of winning' David thought as his confidence grows. With a dash David arrives in front of the man, seeing that the man didn't put his guard up David releases a straight punch. Unfortunately, David did not know that this man was not a normal human. "Wosh!" with that sound David's fist passes through empty air

" How dare a peasant like you even have the gull to raise your hand at me" John's figure appears behind David as he says this. ' How did he? OH shit, are these guys cultivators' these thoughts run through David's mind. Before David can react John attacks. "Pah!" David takes a hit to the left side and his body is sent flying in the process." Thud!" David crashes onto the wall on the other side of the room and his body falls weakly to the ground. Unable to move anymore David can only take deep breaths and stare at the two men in front of him.