CHAPTER 4: Poverty is a disease part 2

10th December 2022, 11:02 am South Park City, West View town

Four people can be seen in a small room of a closed restaurant. One girl in tattered clothes, two middle-aged twins, and the fallen hero David. Well, he tried to be a hero but failed miserably. John stares at the fallen David who is unable to get back up due to the pain." This is what happens when mortals like you try to oppose cultivators such as us. All your struggle would be pointless, just accept your fate beneath our feet where you belong." John says in a disdainful tone.

David stares at the man like he's looking at an idiot. " Seriously. You are mocking me for being a mortal when you idiots die of old age just like us. You talk as if you, cultivators shit gold or something. Aaarh!" David says these words with pain in his tone. John and Joe look at David in shock. They are surprised that this normal person knows about cultivators." Oh, so you know about cultivators. Interesting, truly interesting. If you tell us about how you know of the existence of us cultivators, I promise to give you a painless death" this time Joe speaks. His voice is full of curiosity.

"Would you guys believe me if I told you, I found out about it while reading a web novel" David says in a casual tone. He's trying to buy some time just for his body to heal. ' It hurts everywhere. I would be crying like a baby if my life wasn't in danger right now' David thinks to himself. " oh really? then that must have been one very interesting novel. But unfortunately kid, you've pissed me off." saying these words Joe waves his hand. With that motion of his hand, black-colored spirit energy materializes and rushed towards the girl and David.

The black energy binds them, Joe lifts his hand casually and the bodies of David and the girl are lifted in the air. David tries to move his pained body. But the restraints don't allow him to move at all. ' Damn how am I supposed to get out of this. I have to find a way to escape' David thinks to himself in panic. Joe proceeds to turn around with his brother and they leave the room." This peasant just called us idiots. I don't care about your promise to him.

His death will be beyond painful" John says with anger in his voice. He is a prideful person and for him, to accept an insult from some he considers trash is impossible. " Calm down brother he will suffer for his actions and I too am still upset that he ruined my whole play. I mean, everything was ready I was anticipating for him to fall into despair and beg for his life. But this piece of shit couldn't stay in one place" Joe says expressing his thoughts. Joe is a sadist that loves seeing people beg for their lives.

He enjoys the feeling of having someone's life in his hand. " You know I can hear you, right?" David says out loud. But the brothers ignore him and bring David and the girl downstairs. The sight that greets David and the girl can only be described as horrific. "Hmm, hmm!" the girl tries to scream and fight out of the restraints. David could only remain silent. The shock is just soo high that he is left speechless. On the basement floor in front of them, an array of runes can be seen that forms the image of a tree.

On the array 8 mutilated bodies belonging to the other unfortunate applicants that arrived before David and the girl. Some had missing limbs. Others had their stomachs opened wide as their organs are beside their bodies. David's body begins to tremble as the full weight of his situation hits him. ' No I have to get out of here' David's thoughts begin to run wild trying to find a way out of this situation. " Hey guys, guys, let's talk about this. I know things. Information that will be useful to you" David tries to grab their attention but the two-man ignore him.

Joe waves his hand and David and the girl's body float to the two empty sections of the array formation. David realizes that he needs to tell these guys something that will make them stop their actions. " I'm telling you the truth, Arcane Kings Online is... hmm, hmm!" as David tries to speak his word are cut short. Joe snapped his fingers and the same dark energy entered Davis's mouth. " You know what kid? I've changed my mind. It will be more interesting to see how you look like without those arms and legs" Joe says. David's expression changes to one of fear.

' I should have listened to my instincts. No wonder Joe felt different from the people I'd previously met. They were cultivators" David thought to himself as regret filled his heart. On the other hand, Joe and John suddenly make weird hand signs and chant together ." Blood for blood, the crimson spirit within the void. feast upon this offering..." as the two men chant red energy chains appear from the array formation. The chains then proceed to bind David and the girl to the array formation.

The moment David's back makes contact with the array formation something strange occurs. David's eyes go wide as an image of the array he is on appears in his mind. The flow of energy and the density. He can sense it all like they are right in front of him. " I the servant of the blood land call to you. Accept our offering. Blood fang!" both Joe and John finish their incantation. The array formation glows in a bright red color. As David hears the incantation he figures out what this spell is.

The blood Fang ritual is a sacrificial ritual. It involves the sacrifice of 10 beings of the same race that are the same age. Once gathered the user has to activate the formation first. Then they have to kill the sacrifices on the activated formation. The more pain and suffering the sacrifices experience before death the better the results of the ritual. The casters don't have to kill the sacrifices at the same time. The killing can be done individually. The effect of this ritual is to increase the strength of the caster and to steal the life force of the victims and gives it to the caster.

" Now then David are you ready?" Joe says as he approaches David while holding a knife he took out from a storage device. David closes his eyes and focuses on the array. Seeing this Joe smiles thinking that David is consumed by fear. Unfortunately for Joe, David was doing something no one in this world knows of except for the main character of this world. Within David's consciousness, the image of the array formation appears. ' Arcus blood pact' David thought of this phrase in his mind.

The formation trembles. " What was that?" Joe asks. " I don't know' John replies in confusion. 'Arcus blood pact!' David shouts in his mind. The trembling intensifies. The area around David glows brighter than any other part of the formation. "It's that brat! kill him now" John shouted at Joe. With a single step, Joe travels the 2 meters distance in less than 0.01 seconds. The knife in his hand is just a few centimeters from David's eye. ' ARCUS BLOOD PACT' David screams in his mind.

"Boom!'' an explosion of energy occurs which throws Joe's body into the air. with a swift backflip, Joe lands near his brother ." What the hell is this? Did you know that the array could react like this?" John asks Joe. " If you don't know how am I supposed to know? Who is this kid? He's not a cultivator but can affect the blood fang array, this is crazy" Joe replies with agitation in his voice. " Boom!" a second explosion occurs on the roof of the basement.

A hole has been created through the roof. " Thud!" a woman falls from the hole and lands near the brothers with a pistol pointed at each of them." I told you I would find you," the beautiful woman says with an arrogant smile on her face. Bright orange hair, beautiful green eyes, and an hourglass figure. Wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt and blue jeans. She is a stunning woman. Unfortunately, David wasn't in a state to appreciate such beauty." Damn it, John, you said they wouldn't find us." Joe yells at John.

" I know I wasn't followed. It's because of what that kid did, I'm sure she sensed the spirit energy released by the formation" John replies in annoyance. "Enough with talking, time to die," the women say ready to pull the trigger. Unfortunately, the Lao brothers were acting and took advantage of her distraction. John and Joe both throw a talisman at the women. " Bang, bang!" two gunshots are fired hitting the talismans. " Shatter!" the talisman break and multiple dagger-shaped energy projectiles shot out from the shattered pieces. They go straight for the women.

The woman only raises an eyebrow and begins to shoot down each spirit energy dagger aimed at her. John and Joe jump back to make some distance. They both pull out a sword from a storage device on their sides. The swords in each of their hands glow with black light. " Swish!" with the sound of air being cut they both slash their swords and release two energy slashes." Bang, bang!" with one shot each their attacks are destroyed." Haven't you guys heard of this before. Never bring a sword to a gunfight," the women says as she reloads her guns. The real battle is about to begin and they all know that.


I open my eyes and find myself in a space filled with black mist. After I activated the Arcus Blood Pact my vision went black and I ended up here. But I don't panic, I know where I am. This is the spirit contract plain. A space where one can make a contract with a being from the spirit realm. I know all of this because the mc of AKO Shang Bai Fan also used the blood fang array to activate this contract. Except he didn't have to get kidnapped for that to happen. Unfortunately, when one uses the blood fang array It connects to a place in the spirit realm ruled by the blood demons

All one has to do to make a contract with them, is to have an activated blood fang array. Then by saying the word Arcus blood pact. But after that is when the hard part begins. Blood demons are very powerful. So unless the person trying to make the contract is stronger than them, you better start praying to whomever god you believe in. The blood fang array will make you meet the blood demon most compatible with you. If you are weaker than the demon all you can do is give it an offer or something it can't resist. If you have nothing get ready to die.

"Boom!" a violent energy explosion occurs in front of me. I guess He or she is here. Suddenly I am filled with shock. Because in front of me, two demons emerge. One of them is a 2.5 meters tall werewolf. His head is that of a black wolf with blue eyes and a long black tail sways behind him. His body is muscular and very proportional. He wears the coolest Black battle suit I've ever seen with a sword strapped to the back of his waist.

The last one is a massive horrifying-looking serpent. Its body is soo large that I can't give an estimate. But its head is as big as a truck. Dark purple scales in color cover its body and its big yellow eyes are staring straight at me. ' Out of the blood demons that could have possibly come why are two family leaders here' I think to myself. The leader of the Arcus werewolf family Amarok Feend and the leader of the Jaryū family Alina Nuri.