CHAPTER 11: David's first training montage

AUTHORS NOTE: This extra chapter is dedicated to Nekomiko_succubus for supporting my novel. Thank you very much for all your support I am truly grateful. I hope everyone enjoys the chapter.

I have changed the names of Abigail's cursed gear they are now called Dionysus and Furies. I think these are better


11th December 2022, Sunday, 6:14 pm, South Park City, Albert town

David and Abigail have returned to Ethan. David takes out his new keys and they both enter the Ford family house. As they enter the house the first thing that greets them is the smell of Sandra and Sarah's cooking. David and Abigail both begin to tear up. They never realized that the smell of food would have such an effect on them. While they were training they were only given a pill that gave them all the nutrients they would need for 24 hours. David runs to the kitchen and sees his mother and sister cooking. " Mama, my mother. Sandra, my cute sister. How are you all tonight" David says energetically. " Oh, David you are back.

Good, the food will be done in 30 minutes go and rest. Hello Abigail how are you?" Sarah says in a kind tone. " I'm fine thank you, aunty Sarah, hey Sandra," Abigail says politely. " All of you get out of my kitchen," Sandra says in an annoyed tone. Abigail is stunned" Hahaha! don't worry Sandra just doesn't like people disturbing her domain. She thinks she's the queen of the kitchen" David says and both of them leave the kitchen. David goes to greet the rest of his family. David, Abigail and the rest of the Ford family have a delicious dinner. Everyone eventually goes to bed around 9:00 pm. David and Abigail slept before everyone as they were exhausted.


12th December 2022, Monday, 7:00 am, Lumina's mansion

David and Abigail are back on the training field cross-legged as they are about to begin their magic training. " David, do we have to do this? Can't we just take all our loved ones and come live here? I don't think it will be so bad to live here. Except for the fact that there is a constant eclipse everything is almost like Ethan," Abigail says in a sad tone. She does not like training. " Unfortunately the System is not so kind to leave us such a loophole. If we run away to another world and Ethan fails to conquer the disaster events then the system will open a link to the chaos realm on whatever world we may hide on." David says in a sad tone.

" But the people in the spirit realm are very powerful, right? So they can handle small monsters right" Abigail says with an innocent expression. Marko and David look at her innocent expression. They didn't know how to feel. If they didn't know any better they would believe she wants the blood lands to be destroyed. " Sigh! the System is very powerful. Once it senses that we are in a strong world. It will create a stronger link according to the world we are in. The monsters that will come will be just as strong as the strongest beings in the blood lands," David says with a serious tone.

Abigail finally understands that there is no escaping the incursion. " Okay, we have 19 days before the incursion begins. So our training will continue normally until we get ourselves the gaming equipment," David says and everyone nods. " Now then let the training montage begin," David says with some excitement. David and Abigail began their second day of training. They would begin with Marko teaching them energy constant. It is the process of circulating one's spirit energy and mana all over their body. When these energies circulate through the body. All the parts of the body that these energies travel through will be strengthened.

This will allow the body to be in a state of enhancement. The strength, agility and defense of the body will be increased. This process requires great control of one's magical energy so that you don't damage your body in the process. The flow of energy in the body allows them to practice control of their mana and spirit energy. If you have good control you can cast spells faster and you won't suffer backlashes easily. Only when David and Abigail learn to enhance their bodies constantly and passively without affecting their natural energy regeneration. That is when they would be considered to have mastered energy constant.

Hand-to-hand combat is now done against a puppet as well. Weapon training remained the same. They still have to fight the training puppet using the techniques they are taught. David and Abigail have to practice with their cursed gear so they can increase their connection with them. David's cursed gear Jinrō is a western sword of 100 cm in length and 15 cm in width. It is primarily black. The guard and the grip are wrapped in a crisscross white pattern. Those same crisscross patterns appear on David's. Abigail has two curved daggers. The handle of each dagger is 17 cm in length and the blade is 35 cm in length.

Abigail Furies is silver and crimson with violet runes on the blade. Her Dionysus is violet and gold with crimson runes on its blade. When David starts to train in dagger wielding he is given a normal dagger by Lumina. Soon days begin to pass by. Due to their passive cultivation, Abigail and David would break through periodically. The chi-gathering realm is a very easy realm to pass through. But as their cultivation and physical stats increase so does that of the training puppet. The puppets would keep up with their strength and speed, Unless they are above the core formation stage they won't even be able to scratch this puppet.

The only way for them to lend 500 blows is by having better techniques than the puppet. The puppets use the same basic techniques that they are being taught. After the 5th David was able to use energy constant without it affecting his natural regeneration. After he was able to do that Lumina forced him to keep it active while doing weapon and hand-to-hand training, David felt like his body was burning from the inside and he would get tired much faster. Once Abigail saw David progressing so fast and leaving her behind. She put in all her effort and on the 10th day, she also joined him on the new level of training.

Due to them learning how to use energy constant normally. Marko increased their magic training. They were being taught to project their spirit energy and mana outside their bodies and turn them into various shapes. They had to do all this and maintain energy constant at the same time. Before they had realized it. Everyone had gotten closer. Marko became a big brother to Abigail and took care of her. Marko began feeling very fond of Abigail as he watches her grow and get stronger. As for Lumina and David. Let's just say it's complicated. David began teasing her at any opportunity he would get. He loves seeing her cold expression change into different shades of colors.

Of course, he got his ass kicked...a lot. But Lumina would never feel like she had truly beaten him enough.

She always felt like he had beaten her in some way. Lumina had gained some respect for David's determination to get stronger but she still believed he is a pervert. David being an anime fan knows the best way to bond with people was with food. After every training session, he would go into the kitchen and learn how to cook new types of food from the servants. David would display his cooking skills and make something for everyone to enjoy together.

David and Abigail had reached level 10 of the chi-gathering stage in both paths of cultivation. They have reached the peak of tier 1 in both mana paths as well. If at the beginning Abigail and David's physical stats were at 10, right now their stats are at 60. They have grown five stronger than before in all stats. It would be good to remember that Abigail and David aren't fully human. If they are compared to a human of the same stage and tier as them they would be more than 10 times stronger than the human. If Abigail and David had 10 in all stats at the beginning. A normal human would have had 1 in all stats at the start.

They had also finally mastered energy constant on their 15th day of training for David and the 17th for Abigail. Marko and Lumina were stunned as Lumina herself had taken a month to master energy constant. David had taken time to experiment with his special power. It is a type of inspection skill and the power works on people and items. They are conditions for the activation of this power. First, the person or item has to be within his line of sight.

The second condition is that the target must belong to this universe. He has tried it on everyone and he realizes it doesn't work on his family and himself. But when he used it on Abigail and Marko he received all their information. Including their skills, age race and he can even find out if the person is a virgin...cough, cough I mean if they are pure or not.


31st December 2022, Monday, 8:10 am, Lumina's mansion

Today is a very important day. Today is the day Abigail finishes her basic training. David had finished his. He mastered energy constant and magic projection. He beat the puppets of the hand-to-hand combat, sword-wielding and dagger-wielding. Abigail on the other hand has only one task left to do. She has to defeat the dagger-wielding puppet. In one of the fields, Abigail can be seen in her tight training clothes. She had changed quite a bit. Her figure looks more refined. She has lean muscles and her height has increased to 173 cm. In front of her a wooden magic puppet holding two daggers. They stand 10 meters away from each other.

Lumina stand at the side and says" Begin" she flicks her finger and the puppet activates. " Swoosh!" the sound of the air being split resounds through the training field. Both parties cross the 10-meter distance in less than a second. " Dionysus, Furies!" Abigail's gentle voice resounds on the field. Dark crimson and violet lights flash as she equips her cursed gears. "Clash!" The sound of metal clashing is heard. Abigail and the puppet begin to clash their blades. The puppet slashes one dagger at her abdomen and the other at her thigh. Abigail was prepared with a quick step back she lets the dagger aimed at her thigh to miss by a few centimeters. While she blocks the one that was aimed at her abdomen with one of her daggers.

Her second blade flashes past the puppet's right arm and she lands 3 hits. The puppet sweeps its left leg at Abigail's legs. She jumps back.

The puppet dashes behind her and slashes both of its blades at her exposed back. Caught in mid-air Abigail twists her body around and blocks the attack. She uses her momentum and strength to redirect the puppet's daggers away from its body, leaving it wide open. Her daggers flash and she lands 15 hits on the puppet's body in 2 seconds. She continues her attack but the puppet moves and blocks her attacks by redirecting her blades, The puppet's left hand moves with its blade, Aiming for Abigail's face. Abigail moves her head to the side.

She lowers her body and slashes the puppet's legs before jumping back as the puppet tries to cut off her head. The battle continues for 7 minutes. Abigail has landed 500 hits on the puppet and has passed her test. " Good job Abigail I am very proud of you," Lumina says with a slight smile on her face." Click" David takes a picture of Lumina's smile with his phone and laugh's out loud. " Hahaha! the ice wolf has been caught in 4k. Abigail I have sent you the picture to remember for all eternity. The day this frosty teacher of yours smiled at your success," David says with a bright smile. Abigail covers her mouth to stop herself from laughing.

" Pah!" A slap resounds and David's head is sent face-first into the ground. " You disgusting pervert what do you plan on doing with that picture? Delete it now" Lumina coldly says. David raises his head and smiles with his bruised face. " A bet is a bet. I told you I would catch you out of that ice princess act of yours. Hahaha! today is my victory isn't that right mister Marko? " Marko shakes his head and says. " Lumina accept your loss with dignity. How could you have been caught so easily." " But I...I" Lumina is left speechless.

David and Lumina had made a bet a few days ago that if David catches her making any expression other than her emotionless one before the release of AKO. David can have one absolute request. If David lost he would become Lumina's slave for a month. She was even prepared to use a slave contract. Lumina has unfortunately lost that bet. David stands up with a proud smile. He had undergone the largest change. His hair isn't as short as it was before. He now stands at 190 cm.

Wearing the tight training clothes. His body is filled with good looking muscles. Although his six-pack is still in the development stage. One can see its outline. David's face also lost some of the fat it once had. His brown eyes have a strange enticing blue glow. As David smiles you can see his fangs have become more beastly giving him a wild look. If David was a 5 out of 10 before. Now he is a 7. You know what he is the mc let's make him an 8.