CHAPTER 10: Training with Lumina and Marko

David and Abigail are currently being led by Marko to the resting area near the Mansion. They all walk to the benches. " Now you guys can sit. David flops onto the bench and sighs in relief. Abigail also follows and takes her seat. " How do you guys feel?" Marko asks them. David takes a few breaths and then he answers. " I feel mentally tired. My head feels heavy,". " Why do you let us use all our energy before replenishing us?" Abigail asks in confusion. During their training. Marko would let them use all of their mana and spirit energy. Only once they were dried out would Marko help them replenish their energy.

Only to repeat the process all over again.

" By exhausting your energy and replenishing it allows you to increase your mana and spirit energy capacity. Doing it repeatedly allows your energy channels and veins to be strengthened just like muscles," Marko explains to her. David already knows this but he still pays attention in case new information is said. Soon two werewolf servants appear and offer them some refreshments. David was stunned by the fact that even their servants would be considered beautiful on Ethan and Earth. They aren't as beautiful as Lumina or Alina But they were attractive to David.

Abigail notices David's gaze linger on the two servants as he nods with a smile on his face. " Hey, why did you pinch me?" David asks as Abigail pinches him. " Stop staring at them like that, it's creepy," Abigail says with an innocent look on her face. " I am not just staring. I am appreciating the beauty of those women. I am complimenting them with my gaze. And besides, it's not like I'm a creep that would do anything weird. If I think a girl is pretty I will look at them in appreciation" David says righteously. " Hehehe!" all of them hear the servants that just left laughing at David's words as they enter the mansion.

" You should be careful about what you say. Werewolves have excellent hearing" Marko says with some amusement.

" They don't seem to mind about what I said," David says with confidence. " Even if I wanted to flirt with them it would not have worked. Unless you are a werewolf's destined mate the only way to make a werewolf fully fall for you is to be as strong or stronger than them" David says in a sad tone. " Well, a least you know that. Even if you can make a werewolf fall in love with you unless you are equal in strength or surpass them they won't fully accept you as their mate," Marko says.

' Why don't you look at me like that?' Abigail wanted to ask but she kept those thoughts to herself due to embarrassment. 'Why should I care if he stares at other girls? I mean he is a boy' she thinks to herself. " Sir Marko, why did you and miss Lumina get sent to us? Wouldn't one mentor be enough?" Abigail changes the topic. " Good question. I was sent by mistress Alina as your instructor and butler. I am to help you in any way I can. Lumina was sent by her father lord Amarok. She is David's mentor and lord Amarok thought she may make some friends her age for once" Marko says. Abigail's face changes to a shocked expression.

" Wait she is our age, How is that possible? She is the daughter of Amarok they look nothing alike" Abigail says in shock. When she first saw Lumina and her figure. She assumed Lumina was in her mid or late twenties. " She is one of the most talented blood demons in the blood lands, " Marko said as if it is common knowledge. " Most male werewolves prefer to stay in their full wolf form. It makes them feel more manly and the females like it. If it gets you the girl I perfectly understand why they look like that," David says in a calm voice. Soon their 30-minute break has come to an end.

" Get up it's time to train," Lumina says in a cold tone. She walks onto the training field as David and Abigail follow her. As they walk towards the training field David sees something weird. When his gaze lands on Lumina's back he begins seeing a flickering blue aura around her. Once they arrive on the field Lumina turns toward them and begins to talk. " How much do you know about cultivation and magic?" She asks this while looking at David. " Cultivation is the process of absorbing spirit energy into your body to strengthen yourself and gain the ability to wield spirit energy.

Cultivation is divided into many stages that are further divided into 10 levels. From lowest to highest is chi gathering, Foundation Establishment, Core Formation, Nascent soul, Soul manifestation, Astral form, and more. They are other stages above the astral form but I think those are too far away to talk about now. Cultivation has two routes. The first is called chi cultivation which uses spirit energy to manipulate elements and spells. But their bodies are weak. Then we have body cultivators. These are people that use spirit energy to strengthen their bodies to incredible degrees. But they lack long-raged attacks in their early cultivation stages.

Cultivation for most races is through cultivation techniques. The higher the grade of the technique used the greater the strength provided and the faster the cultivation speed. Magic is simple. It is easier to get stronger with mana than spirit energy. Mana is easier to use than spirit energy because it easily bonds to physical bodies. Magic has two routes. Mages and warriors. They are separated by tiers depending on how much mana the person has and how pure it is. From tier 1, 2, 3, and so on. The higher the tier the stronger the person.

Mages do the same thing as chi cultivators but with mana, They don't need a specific technique all they have to do is absorb and purify mana. They also share the same weaknesses as chi cultivators. Mana warriors are the same as body cultivators except they use mana. They also don't need a technique and can just absorb, purify and strengthen their bodies with mana. They share the same weaknesses as body cultivators." David says calmly. Lumina nods. " Good, unlike most races we in the spirit realm can cultivate instinctively without a technique. Our cultivation method gives you the benefits of a body cultivator and a chi cultivator without having to study multiple techniques. It also allows you to progress in both mana paths. Although we can cultivate passively and the progress is fast. Once you can control your passive cultivation and make it into an active ability your progress will increase greatly.

At least 2 or 3 times from the passive effect. I'm sure both of you can feel a difference from when you started training," Lumina says to them. Abigail and David nod. During their training with Marko, they felt a rush of power after the first hour. "That's because you have both made it to the chi gathering stage level one," Lumina says calmly. Then she turns her gaze to David. She frowns and asks. " Why do you smell like a human? Did you fail to transform properly?" David opens his eyes wide. " I did everything that I was told and sir Marko said I succeeded" David replies in confusion.

Lumina's expression becomes cold as she hears this. " I can smell that you are a werewolf but I also smell your human scent which should have disappeared once you transformed...change back" Lumina orders. David asks" How do I do that exactly? " Follow the same steps as when you transform but this time. Your other self should be above the contract space. Put your werewolf self back in its original place," Lumina says. David does as he is told. Closing his eyes he focuses on that previous sensation. Soon his consciousness is dragged to the same previous space.

David looks around only to be shocked by the sight in front of him. The original beating orb with two stars has changed. In front of David, an actual heart can be seen. Only one red star can be seen in the transparent, heart David begins panicking. ' What is happening? Why has everything changed, where is that blue-black star' David thinks to himself in worry. He observes the heart and sees that strange veins are extending from the heart and going off into the distance. The veins glow in a black and blue aura. David touches these veins and he feels the same sensation as the one he felt from that blue-black star.

"Amarok I need help!" David shouts in this space. The red star in the heart shines brightly. Soon Amarok's figure appears in the space" Why have you..." Amarok immediately notices that David's contract space looks weird. " What happened boy? Why does your contract space look like this?" Amarok asks. David tells him everything that has happened. " I see." After saying that Amarok releases a red pulse that travels through the whole space. " This is incredible" Amarok exclaims in surprise. "What's wrong?" David asks. He can't calm down easily.

What if I can't go back to being human? " Boy I'm not sure if it's a blessing or a curse but your body seems to be mutating. Hahaha! your human self and werewolf self are currently fusing. You are gaining the strengths of both races while eliminating the weaknesses." Amarok says while laughing. David can only stare at him in shock ' Something like this never happened in the novel. Is it good or bad? Honestly, it sounds pretty good,' David thinks to himself. " You are still a human but you are also a werewolf. I don't know how long the mutation will take or what the results will be.

But I will inform Lumina and Abigail about this, I don't think you can change back or reverse this process. But you will still be able to use all our abilities and can continue cultivating" After saying this Amarok disappears. After Amarok leaves David decides to leave as well. David opens his eye only to see Lumina's cold face. " You know you should smile more..." David realizes that he said that out loud and closes his mouth. Lumina's expression hardens. " If you want to get your ass beaten just ask. There is no need to irritate me. Why haven't you changed back?" Lumina says only for her to suddenly pause. She just received Amarok's message. " So that's how it is," Lumina says in realization.

She gazes at David with disdain. " First a pervert and now you're a freak. Why am I so unlucky" Lumina says. " Hey, I am not a pervert. I am a man of culture" David says in his defense. Lumina's gaze remains the same. " Swoosh!" a flask of magic occurs and a second Lumina appears on the training field. During that whole process, David's eyes began to see something new. While he looks at lumina the flickering Blue aura from before has become clear. While looking at her, new information enters David's brain. ' Lumina Feend...she is a rare luna werewolf... 22 years old...cultivation stage Astral form level 10... tier 6 ice mage...tier 7 weapon master' David realizes in shock that this new information is all the information about Lumina.

Lumina senses that something has changed in David's gaze. For some reason, she felt naked in front of David's eyes. She ignores this feeling. Her clone materializes two wooden daggers and the original pulls out a wooden sword. " I will teach you separately. Abigail, you will learn how to wield daggers and as for you brat, you will learn the sword. I have already been informed as to what your cursed gears are," Both Lumina and her clone say at the same time. David ignores this weird event and decides to focus on training. He plans on keeping this a secret. His instincts of being a web novel reader tell him that he had awakened his special power.

" I would also like to learn how to use daggers. Although I think the sword is the coolest weapon. I also want to learn how to use daggers. I think they are cool weapons," David says hoping she would agree. Lumina thinks for a while." That is fine. I will separate your training into 3 parts. 2 hours hand to hand combat, 2 hours of sword training, and 2 hours of dagger training. Even with some breaks, we should be done on time for you to go home" Lumina says. She then dematerializes the weapons and two training outfits appear in her hand. " Take this and go change. The changing room for men is over there. For women is over there. Be back in 10 minutes," Lumina orders.

After getting changed they are all back on the field. David is wearing a pair of shorts and a shirt. Abigail has the same thing on. All these clothes hug their bodies tightly. Abigail looks very attractive in David's eyes. He takes a glance and looks at himself. Abigail catches his glance and a small smile forms on her face. David looks pretty average. He is very tall for a boy his age. His figure is large but with no protruding muscles. He has a small protruding belly. " I knew you were a pig. Don't worry brat I'll get rid of all that pork for you" Lumina says. " I'm not fat," David says in annoyance as he and Abigail go to a different section of the field to train with their own Lumina.

Lumina gets into a stance. " I never said you were. Why are you defending your' Lumina says in a mocking tone. Soon their training begins. Lumina teaches them basic stances, how to attack and defend. Although they were all basic, this was what David and Abigail needed. Without mastering the basics one's fighting style will forever be imperfect. Lumina was ruthless, especially on David. For each mistake made, they would be hit by a wooden stick. It arrived time for the weapon training. They were taught the Basics of how to wield daggers.

Lumina made them attack magic puppets that would fight back. The same went for sword training, but this was only for David while Abigail continued with her daggers. They could not stop until they had landed 500 blows on their targets. David's first day of training was full of pain.