CHAPTER 23: Mythic scrolls

[Author Note: Sorry everyone for not releasing the chapters previously. I was busy. I will upload extra chapters as an apology. This chapter will be another info dump about David's Loot. Please enjoy.]


David proceeds to inspect the mythic-grade scroll. The previous legendary grade scrolls had already left him smiling like a fool. Amarok can only look at David's stupid smile with complicated emotions. Amarok decides to wait until David is done with his business. Unlike Amarok Malin does not face such problems. She can see everything in David's inventory and she can also inspect the items.

Call of the dragon raider[Mythic]: This scroll allows the user to sacrifice anything equivalent to 1000000 MP. Once the sacrifice has met this requirement the user can then summon a monster dragon of Mythic grade. The dragon will be at the peak of the same tier as their master. The user can use this scroll to summon as many monsters as they please. This scroll has no cool-down. Can not be destroyed by any force or power below Demi-god grade.

Nightmare: Upon using this scroll the user can transform themselves into a Grim of Mythic grade at will. The transformation has no time limit and the user gains everything that it requires to be a Grim.

Waypoint: This scroll allows the user to set checkpoints on anything through touch. The user can then use this scroll to teleport to recorded checkpoints irrespective of distance and with no energy cost to the user. This scroll has no cool down and it gathers its energy from space itself.

Feela's grave: Created by a legendary necromancer that wanted to revive his daughter. This scroll allows the user to reanimate any corps into a mutated Death demon of Mythic grade. The corps must at least have 10% of its body left. The scroll will gather death, life, soul, and fate energy from the world to reanimate the corps into a new being. The new Death demon will not be the same as its previous self. But they will have their memories of the original body's owner. The death demon will be in the same tier as the user, but they will be at the lowest level.

Judgment call: This scroll allows the user to act 'judgment' upon any target. The target will undergo a judgment trial. The target will be teleported to the ??? and they will have to face a tribulation that will destroy the soul. If the target has good karma then the judgment will benefit their soul and strengthen them depending on how much good karma they have. But if they have negative karma the judgment tribulation sends judgment lightning that will destroy their body and soul. The higher the negative karma the stronger the lighting. Cool down is 2 hours.

Fusion pot replica: A replica of a scroll created by ???. He gifted a replica to each of his wives. During a disaster, his wives went to different universes to escape. This is the 'matter fusion' scroll. It allows the user to fuse different physical substances to create something new containing the best properties of the fusion materials. The fusion cost is managed by the scroll. The substances can only be Mythic grade or below.

Fusion pot replica: A replica of a scroll created by ???. He gifted a replica to each of his wives. During a disaster, his wives went to different universes to escape. This is the 'spirit fusion' scroll. It allows the user to fuse different spiritual substances to create something new containing the best properties of the fusion materials. The fusion cost is managed by the scroll. The substances can only be Mythic grade or below.

Fusion pot replica: A replica of a scroll created by ???. He gifted a replica to each of his wives. During a disaster, his wives went to different universes to escape. This is the 'energy fusion' scroll. It allows the user to fuse different types of energy substances to create something new containing the best properties of the fusion materials. The fusion cost is managed by the scroll. The substances can only be Mythic grade or below.

Fusion pot replica: A replica of a scroll created by ???. He gifted a replica to each of his wives. During a disaster, his wives went to different universes to escape. This is the skill 'fusion scroll'. It allows the user to fuse different skills to create something new containing the best properties of the fusion materials. The skills can come from leaving beings, skill books/ crystals, inanimate objects, or dead creatures. The fusion cost is managed by the scroll. The substances can only be Mythic grade or below.

Fusion pot replica: A replica of a scroll created by ???. He gifted a replica to each of his wives. During a disaster, his wives went to different universes to escape. This is the scroll The Law fusion scroll. It allows the user to fuse different laws or substances containing laws to create something new containing the best properties of the fusion materials. The fusion cost is managed by the scroll. The substances can only be Mythic grade or below.

Just as David looks at these scrolls he is left speechless. The fact that some of them had question marks means that they are related to things outside the universe of AKO. David had read about the 'Judgment call' scroll. In the novel, Bai Fan used it to defeat a powerful world parasite that tried to destroy Ethen. This scroll was something that not even Bai Fan fully understood in the whole novel. David realized that the place people are sent to undergo the judgment trial may be outside this whole universe. The next anomaly is the fusion pot scrolls.

David could not gain much information by using his title. The more he tried to pray into the origins of these scrolls his mind encountered a thick fog that he could not go through. ' Do you know what these 'fusion pot' scrolls are?' Davide asks with his thought. Malin has a serious expression on her face. After a few seconds of thinking she finally replies. ' I do not know. But I can sense that it is not from this universe just like you. I'm not sure how but this is all your fault' Malin's voice resounds in David's head. David's expression turns blank. He felt like he was being accused of a crime he never committed.

Hearing Malin straightforwardly expose his origins. David's body trembles. Although he knows that Malin can see his soul and tell that he is weird. The fact she can easily tell he is not from their universe is quite shocking. Seeing his reaction Malin puts on an evil smile on her face. " You didn't actually believe that I came to be your guide out of pure curiosity. I'm not that bored with my life yet. Ada and the others have made me take this task...oh yeah they are also watching your every action from the 5th realm,' Malin says in a playful voice.

David's body begins sweating. Amarok turns to face David. He can smell the fear oozing out of David's body. Raising a brow in confusion Amarok asks. " Are you Ok kid?" David turns in his direction and says. " I'm fine, I was just thinking of something." hearing David Amarok can smell the lie. But he decides not to pry into the matter for now. ' So what is the real reason you are here with me?' David asks through his thoughts. Even though David guesses her real motives. Davis wants to hear it from Malin herself. A cold smile appears on Malin's Face. David and Amarok both feet the hands of death on their necks. Both of them are unable to move.

' We godly beings require amusement in our long lives. You are a new type of treat for us. But you are not the first creature we have met from other universes. They have only ever been 3 incidents since the creation of our universe. But the last one came 2000000 years ago. A demon appeared in search of refuge. He stayed for a long time and did not bother our universe. But one day he decided to corrupt a champion. The result of his actions created the first Demon lord in our universe,' Malin's cold voice resounds in David's head. ' Do you mean Artemisia?'

David asks mentally with difficulty. ' That's right, good guess. I don't know how you know so much about my universe. But I don't think you are a bad person. Under the order of my best friend Ada, I have been appointed as your monitor. With me watching over you. The other gods won't kill you once they find out about you. If you prove to be a threat to this universe. David Ford, I will kill you in body mind, and soul. So don't prove me wrong. I believe I am a good judge of characters' Malin says coldly. David is in shock. The information he just heard was not mentioned in the novel.

Artemisia Volcan was one of his favorite characters and he knew a powerful demon had corrupted her. But the information on that demon was very little. The only thing the novel mentioned was his name and his appearance. Malfisto Coven was his name. Soon the pressure holding David and Amarok in place is released. Amarok begins to breathe out heavily. Amarok realizes that the pressure that he just felt must have been from a powerful being like a god. With this thought in his mind, he thanks the heavens that he did nothing against David, or who knows what would have happened to him.

Without knowing the thoughts in Amaroks head David is pressured by Malin to finish inspecting his loot. Malin turns her head to Amarok with a displeased look. She does not like this werewolf. Amarok senses a cold gaze coming from David but not belonging to him. His body shiver as he turns his head away not wanting to offend whatever existence is there. With all the drama out of the way, David continues his inspection. Little did David know that Malin did not tell him something.

The 'fusion pot' scrolls not only came from another universe but also from another system. Malin may not tell him this. But she is scared. Her fragment is missing and if she encounters another system now. She may not survive the encounter if the System is the same or at a higher level than her. That other system may use some unknown method to locate the items that have been sent to her universe. If that happens she will have no way of escaping and she can only fight. David looks at his blueprints next. Just like the names suggest they are designs of something and the explanation of how to create whatever is on the blueprint.

Blueprints can be of almost anything. The ones David has are 13 in total 5 legendary and 8 mythic. Out of the 5 legendary grade blueprints, 1 is for a bow, 2 are for special types of arrows, 2 are for swords and the last one is for a magic staff. Out of the 8 Mythic grade blueprints, 2 are types of daggers that are a set, 1 is a shield, 1 is a breastplate and the last 2 are rings. Each of these items is very powerful if created and the best part about these blueprints is that, unlike the scroll. It contains all the designs of the equipment until tier 5. David plans on creating them for his family and business.

The next thing to be inspected is the 3 guild establishment token. These tokens can be used with the system for players and NPCs to create their guilds. Depending on the grade and tier of the guild the members can receive different benefits. From exp boosts to even attribute increases. The tokens are legendary grade thus they will have very strong effects on the guild members. David plans on creating his own secret super guild that will be unstoppable and with these guild tokens that can be done much easier. David then moves his attention to the EXP crystals.

These crystals can have different effects. Some give an % exp boost to players or even in rare cases allow them to level up straight away. David has 2 crystals each of which will multiply the exp stored on his interface by 15x and the exp he gains for the next 24 hours by 10x. Looking at these effects David feels like he has to change his plans once again. David then looks at the treasure maps. The 2 maps show the location of 2 different Mythic grade treasures. David knows that to activate these maps means he will have to accept their quests which are attached to them. David puts these maps for now.

David then Looks at the 2 potion crates. Each crate is 3 square meters. They each hold 8 potions. The first crate has body refinement potions. These potions can only be drunk once. They will increase all physical stats of the user including stamina permanently by 250% and it will awaken 2 race-specific skills or strengthen 2 existing skills. It only works on tier 0 beings. The second crate has energy refinement potions. These potions will increase all energy stats of the user including mental energy by 250% and it will give the user 2 passive energy-related skills. This one also only works on tier 0 creatures and it can only be used once.

Next, they are the 3 fruits. In most cases, fruits are also considered material by the system. But these fruits are the result of alchemy and are not formed naturally. The first fruit is a 'Black Eve evolution' fruit. This fruit allows whoever eats it to evolve their race to a maximum of mythic grade. The effectiveness of the fruit depends on the consumer. Upon seeing this fruit David is glad that Malin had hidden some of the loot. If Amarok had noticed this fruit, only bloodshed would occur. The second fruit is a 'Nature's Kiss' fruit. This fruit will give the consumer a perfect nature elemental affinity and the sacred nature energy of mythical grade. Elements have grades as well. Every grade above legendary is referred to as sacred elements and those below that are super elements.

These elements are soo much more powerful than normal non-graded elements. The last fruit is the 'Primal link' fruit. This fruit allows the consumer to unlock all their racial skills as long as their race or that of their ancestry is a mythic grade or below. Then they are the materials which are the highest in quantity. They are 131 materials. Some are metals, consumables, herbs, and even magic water. David has already made plans for these materials. David then looks at the last thing to inspect... the equipment. They are 3 platinum,1 is diamond, 15 are legendary, 5 are mythic, and 10 are demi-god. With more excitement than ever before, David begins his inspection.