CHAPTER 24: David's first equipment set part 1

[Author note: Sorry everyone for the late update. My sister just got married and the whole wedding thing got me busy. I will post some extra chapters as an apology]


With the last thing being the equipment David is excited. Although he has Jinrō David likes hoarding stuff. Especially if they are things he determines to be useful. David has 34 pieces of equipment. 3 are platinum, 1 is diamond, 15 are legendary, 5 are mythic and 10 are demi-god grade. David checks out the platinum equipment. They include 1 sword, 3 sets of 60 arrows, and 1 helmet. Soon Davids receives all their information. The diamond equipment is only a bracelet. The legendary equipment has 2 magic staffs, 3 sets of 120 arrows,1 hammer, 1 shield, 1 set of 6 throwing knives, 1 pair of daggers, 1 spear, 1 pair of gloves, 1 neckless, 1 pair of boots, 1 ring, and one body suit.

Darwen's refined long sword[tier 1 platinum]: Created by a master blacksmith. This sword is created to be efficient in all its stats, the sword is perfect in structure. Stat requirements to use this equipment are 70 STR, 50 AGI, 50 END, 40 INT, 40 ST, and 40 PCT.

Effects:STR:+70; AGI:+70; END:+70; INT:+30; ST:+30; Durability= 500.

*A 50% increase in physical and magical damage

*Increases the effects of sword skills by 50%

*increase attack speed by 50%

*Pierse[When attacking a target that has a higher END than the user's PATK. 10% of the damage will be transferred into MATK which will cause internal damage to the target]

*Block[When blocking or perring attacks the damage received is reduced by 20%]

This sword is very good even among other platinum weapons. David smiles in satisfaction. The platinum equipment has the same stats requirements as the sword. In AKO no piece of equipment goes below tier 1. If a tier 1 player had to wield a tier 2 item. The energy contained in the item would end up hurting the player. But such things don't happen with tier-1 items. Due to their lower level of energy, they can be wielded by tier 0 beings. Tier 1 equipment unlike every other tier allows people to use the item while being at a lower tier. The helmet can provide a 50% increase to the END stat and it increases physical attack resistance by +5% and magic resistance by +2%. The helmet also has its skills but nothing too impressive.

The helmet has the highest durability which is 700. The arrows on the other hand have the highest damage that increases PATK by +64% and MATK by + 40%. But they have the lowest durability which is at 300 They have armor-piercing skills and they have a skill that increases the speed of the arrow fired. The diamond equipment is a magic support item for the magic-based classes. Unlike in most games, AKO allows anyone who meets the equipment stat requirements to wield it. But most items are created with specific class types in mind. A warrior can use a mage staff to increase their spells. But they usually don't have as high of an INT stat as mages. Some classes even give bonus effects or attributes to the user when they equip items meant for the class. So most NPCs and players don't use items not designed for their class.

Magic crystal bracelet[Daimond their 1]: This is a support item meant to increase the energy reserves and regeneration of mages. Stat requirements are 70 INT, 50 PCT, 40 END, 40 AGI, and 30 STR.

Effects:AGI:+30; END:+30; INT:+70; ST:+70; Durability= 300

* Increases the user's mana regeneration by +160%

*Increases the user's MP by +160%

* Mage class skills have their effects increased by +100%

Support items just as the name implies are created to support the user's basic stats and skills. Their effects tend to be more exaggerated than weapons/armor. Unfortunately, they also hold a smaller number of skills and effects compared to weapons and armor. Due to the special effect on David. All the items dropped had their grade increased by one. This led to him not receiving any epic items except for materials. Luckily he ended with more legendary items due to this.

Nebula staff[Legendary tier 1(upgradable)]: The staff ones wielded by the tier 6 grand mage Alexander the disaster. This stuff is created with powerful materials that boost user stats in all areas. Stat requirements to wield this item are 3000 STR, 3000 AGI, 3000 END, 4000 PCT, 4000 INT, and 4000 ST.

Effects:STR:+150 ;AGI:150+; END:+150; INT:+150; ST:+150;VIT:150 ;PCT:150 ; Durability= 5000

*Increases the user's MP AND SE by + 500%

*Increases the effect of all magic-type skills by +400% and all lightning. ice and wind elemental spells by 500%

*Increases natural energy regeneration by +500%[this applies to both MP AND SE]

*Increases natural HP regeneration by +300%

* Disaster storm: This skill allows the user to create a destructive storm of wind, lightning, and ice elements. This skill has a range of 500 meters in radius. The user has full control over the storm. Targets trapped in the storm will suffer from the debuff 'frostbite', and ' Electrocution'. The user can fire elemental projectiles using the storm that possesses MATK equal to that of the user with some bonus damage of +500%. The skill cost is 1000 MP and the skill requires constant consumption of MP depending on how the caster uses it.

*Cloud raider: This skill allows the user to create clouds. These clouds can be used as a means of transportation or obstruction and defense. Travel speed is at 1000 meters per second. The skill cost is 500MP.

* Energy storage: This staff will store up to 50000MP and SE for the user to use in emergencies. Recharges 10 MP/SE per second.

*Blink: This staff allows the user to teleport within a 300 radius. The staff has a blink count of 50. Each blink count needs 10 seconds to recharge.

Seeing the stats of this staff made David salivate. Even though he isn't a proper mage this staff can still be very useful. You may all be wondering why is it that legendary equipment only provides the user an increase of 150 to the stats. Well, the answer is its tier. Due to the tier of the weapon that's all it can provide the user. The energy of tier 1 items is the lowest to enable almost anything to be able to wield it. If it were at tier 2 the stats increases would be at minimum 5100.

Just like in the information received by David, this staff once belonged to a tier 6 mage. Its power can only be described as monstrous. Unfortunately due to Davide's tier, the treasure chest reduced its tier to suit David. The following equipment has bonuses and skills of similar scale and effects. Although they are some differences the magic staffs are powerful. The equipment that slightly stood out compared to the others are the arrows, neckless, ring, and body suit.

Silth wind arrow: Stat requirements to wield them are STR: 4000; AGI: 4000; PCT: 5000; END: 4000; INT: 3000; Durability: 5000

*Piercing effect. These arrows ignore 50% of the target's defense and 30% of their physical and magical resistance.

*The arrow can be manipulated using the user's mental energy. With just one thought the arrows will fly back or teleport back to the user.

*Arrow rain: This skill allows the user to fire 100 duplicate arrows with the same strength as the original. There is no skill cost and the user controls its activation.

*Seek: This skill allows the user to fire an arrow that will teleport to a target in the user's memory. The distance between the targets does not matter the arrow will always hit its target unless they no longer exist within the same reality as the user.

*Teleport: The user can teleport to the location of the arrow fired. No cost to the user

*3 stars: This skill activates when the arrow hit the same spot on a target 3 times. Irrespective of the defense the target will receive full damage and that damage will be true damage. No cost to the user

*Regeneration: This arrow will regenerate any damage sustained using any form of energy. The normal regeneration rate is 1 durability per minute. The user can accelerate this process by feeding the arrow magical energy.

*Blast furnace: this skill allows the arrow to release all its stored energy and power into one strick. After its usage, the arrow will be left with 1 durability. No cost from the user.

Morgan's neckless: Stat requirements to wield them are STR: 4000; AGI: 4000; PCT: 4000; END: 4000; INT: 4000; VIT: 4000; Durability: 5000

Effects:STR:+150 ;AGI:+150; END:+150; INT:+150; ST:+150;VIT:+150 ;PCT:+150 ; Durability= 5000

*Magic resistance increased by 30%

*Elemental resistance increased by 300%

*Physical resistance increased by 30%

*Regeneration: This skill increases all the user's regenerative factors such as HP/MP/SE by 1000%

Arkane's vault: Stat requirements to wield them are STR: 4000; AGI: 4000; PCT: 4000; END: 4000; INT: 6000; VIT: 5000; Durability: 5000

Effects:STR:+150 ;AGI:+150; END:+150; INT:+150; ST:+150;VIT:+150 ;PCT:+150 ; Durability= 5000

*Creates a thing transparent cloak of mana that protects the user's body from mana/spirit energy-based attacks. This cloak can negate any magic attacks that are below 20000 MATK/SATK in power.

*The energy cloak can absorb energy from magical attacks below its threshold. That energy is then stored and can be used to replenish the user's magical energy or enhance any spell

*Arkan thief: This skill allows the user to record and copy any spell they see being performed. The spell will have its level reset but they are no limits to how many spells can be copied

* Element eater: This skill allows the ring to devour any element of legendary and below grade. Once the element is devoured it will be merged with the user giving them the ability to use that element and its affinity.

Obsidian black: Stat requirements to wield them are STR: 6000; AGI: 6000; PCT: 6000; END: 6000; INT: 5000; VIT: 6000; Durability: 6000

Effects:STR:+150 ;AGI:+150; END:+150; INT:+150; ST:+150;VIT:+150 ;PCT:+150 ; Durability= 5000

*ALL stats except PCT are increased by 500%

*No physical attack less than 20000 can damage the wearer of this suite.

*All physical enhancement skills are increased by 500%

*All physical training done while wearing this suit will produce 500% more results.

*Unbreakable: When this skill is activated the user will be immune to any damage for 5 minutes. This skill has a 1-minute cool down after the activation of the skill.

*Barrier creation: this skill allows the user to create barriers that can perfectly block any attack less than 20000. The skill range depends on the user's PCT

*Fly: This skill allows the user to fly with no energy cost from them. The flight speed is that of the user AGI. The speed can be increased by the user using their energy.

*Fasing: This skill allows the user to become intangible for 5 minutes. The cool-down is 1 minute after the skill has ended

Although they were other equipment. David considered these as his favorite. Unlike some of the others, David is unwilling to give these to anyone else. Now the last pieces of equipment. The demi-god grade. Due to David's luck The 10 pieces ended up being a full set. David quickly sees their information. David's body trembles at what he sees. He quickly closes his inventory. This is the type of equipment he does not need right now. David does not think this because they are of no use to him. On the contrary. If David wears that equipment now. He may as well have finished the games. Only the strongest beings on Everest have such equipment. This type of equipment would only be a weakness to David now. He needs to develop his own strength.

Relying on such equipment will lead him to have many weaknesses when he is not wearing them. With all of the loot gotten out of the way. David turns to Amarok and says "I have to go,". Amarok replies "Where to?". " Unfortunately or fortunately I have gotten far too strong for the beginner villages. I have to go to a city or town. With some adjustments to my original plans, I will call you in one week just as I had intended to before," David says. Amarok nods and says. " That will be a good idea. From the moment I step foot in this world. I have felt many different powers try to pinpoint my location. Although most of them are weak.

They are a few that can be a threat even to me and some are even using divination abilities. It also seems that this world's will is making my presence much more clear to these beings. I can stop them from finding me for a few months. But eventually, they will find me. Should a battle occur you may not survive David," David sighs. Why are things always like this? Davide looks above Amaroks head and sees a black bullseye mark. Unlike the player who has green diamonds and NPCs of this world that have yellow diamonds above their heads. When a being from another world comes into a trial world. The system will label them as external NPCS. Which are represented by the black mark. "Yeah, you are right. I don't plan on experiencing my first death so soon," Amarok smiles.

Amarok takes out his Gate compass[Author note: I have changed the name of the compass device that they use to teleport.].Opening a portal Amarok walks through and says. " Don't call me again until the right time and try apologizing to Lumina. She seems particularly mad at you. The last time I saw her she was punching a combat puppet with your picture on its face," saying this Amarok's body disappears and the portal closes. David is left in a petrified state. He raises his hand and looks at Malin." What did I do?" David says with tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

Malin can only tilt her head in confusion not knowing the situation. 'Whoever this Lumina is must be quite frightening for him to react like this.' Malin thinks to herself. David releases that his asking the wrong person. " Let's go," with these words Malin and David both head in a random direction. David had forgotten one crucial part of his plan. The direction he was heading in was the direction Bai Fan had used in the novel to go to the town after the beginner village. But unfortunately, David is not in the same country as Bai fan. Thus those directions are useless.

" Hey David arent u going to learn all the skills u got and the skill crystals," Malin says. "Oh! your right let me do that now," David says as he takes out the skill books one by one learning them. Each book would turn into particles of light and enter his head. The skill crystals were different. Unlike skill books, skill crystals hold passive skills. As David crushes the crystal. They turn into a stream of energy that enters his body. David had forgotten to inspect the skill crystals. With a glance out of his 12 skill crystals, David chooses to use only 8. The rest are for his family.