CHAPTER 25: David's first equipment set part 2

As David and Malin are traveling through the forest. David realizes that the tension that was in his body has disappeared. The moment Amarok left, David felt more at ease. As David realizes this, he feels a small amount of guilt. David shrugs off the feeling and keeps on running. At 200 meters per second, David's body moves incredibly fast. David observes his surrounding and sees different kinds of monsters. All of them are low-level within tier 0. This is due to them being near a beginner village. These villages are usually created in areas with weak monsters so that they can defend themselves. The strongest monster he has seen so far is a silver-grade bear at lvl 30. Due to David's speed, most monsters can't catch him even if they tried.

After around 2 hours of running. David pauses. "You're lost, aren't you," Malin says over his shoulder. David replies " I know I'm going in the right direction," " How do you know this is the right direction? You have never been in this country before," Malin says. Hearing this David finally realizes his mistake."PAH!" David smacks himself in the face and says " I'm an idiot. Bai Fan is in Kanthen while I'm in Zahey " David says in realization. "Who is Bai Fan? Is he a friend of yours?" Malin asks with curiosity. " Nah, he's not my friend. I know about him but he doesn't know about me," David says. Malin gives David a weird stare.

" David be honest with me...are you some sort of stocker," Malin says as she flies a little further away from David. Hearing her words David is left speechless. " What the hell is running in that head of yours? Do I look like a stocker to you or what?" David says with some irritation. He then walks around the area trying to get an idea of where he is. " It's always the handsome ones that are the most dangerous. They look kind on the outside but they are the ones with the darkest secrets. They are usually the psychopaths," Malin says. David's hands begin twitching. Although he is kind of happy that a being like Malin said that he is handsome. That feeling was washed away by the other words she said. Deciding it is best to ignore her.

David proceeds to walk towards a nearby cliff. He reaches the cliff and looks at the environment. " Hey David don't you want to check the world announcements that have happened from other players," Malin says. David looks at her in confusion. " Now that I think of it. I'm sure other players have made first-time world achievements. Why didn't I see the notification in the air like it's supposed to happen?" David asks in confusion. " I blocked all the notifications from disturbing you while you were busy" Malin replies. David then opens his system interface and looks at the notification.

Apart from the bounty on him, they were a few world notifications. But the ones that caught his attention were from Abigail and shang Bai Fan. [World announcement: Congratulations to player 'Divine Emperor Fan'. He is the first player to find a hidden dungeon and complete it. He has been rewarded with one silver treasure chest,2 skill books, a silver grade mage equipment set, and 1 transfer slot];[World announcement: Congratulations to player 'Divine Emperor Fan'. He is the first player to reach lvl 10. He has been rewarded an increase of 10 to all attributes, 100 gold coins, and 1 transfer slot];

[World announcement: Congratulations to player 'Divine Emperor Fan'. He is the first player to defeat a silver-grade field boss ' Tree ant king lvl 30'. He has been rewarded with 1 gold grade treasure chest, 1 transfer slot, and 1000 gold coins][World announcement: Congratulations to player 'Nyx' for being the first player to master a skill to level 10. She has been rewarded with an increase of 15 to all attributes, one skill upgrade token, and one transfer slot][World announcement: Congratulations to player 'Nyx'. She is the first player to assassinate a village chief. She is rewarded with 1 gold-grade treasure chest, 1000 gold, and 1 transfer slot]

All these notifications are quite good. David knows that Divine Emperor Fan is Shang Bai Fan. All these achievements that he has made are the same as in the novel. David is not surprised. Abigail on the other hand has made some good progress. The reward for mastering a skill does not occur when a skill is raised using skill points. The skill has to be manually improved from lvl 1 to 10. That is the way to get that reward. David could have done it. But he told Abigail how to achieve this achievement and he would follow the more difficult achievements. The only notification that really surprised him was how did she end up killing a village chief and why.

David decides to ask her about this the next time they meet. " What do you think about the other players? Although they aren't as abnormal as you, they do have some potential," Malin says. "You are asking me as if my opinions matter. Those that are good enough or lucky enough will always outshine the rest. That's just how life works," David replies to Malin as he observes the environment. Malin only smiles in response to his words. From the cliff, Davide can see a large portion of the forest ahead. With the massive trees, David catches a weird scent in the air. It is unlike anything he has smelt before. Apart from his smell, he can feel the density of mana and spirit energy is thinner here compared to other places.

David then looks at Malin and he says. "What's in that direction?" he points to a place with clustered trees. Malin suddenly pouts. " I'm not your navigator. How am I supposed to know what's there? Anyway, I think I remember that there's a city in that direction" Malin says. She points her finger in the opposite direction of where David pointed. Seeing her reaction David decides to jump off the cliff. The cliff is more than 200 meters high. " What are you doing? You are going in the wrong direction. You will get us lost again" Malin says in annoyance.

David only smiles and he lands on the ground. "Boom!" with that sound David lands on the ground. " I don't know why but I have a feeling that there is something there that you don't want to show me," David says to Malin. At full speed, he runs in the direction that the smell is coming from. " "Waaah!...mee...noo" Malin replies. David continues running. After traveling 5 kilometers David stops. The smell he was following stops here. David stands in the middle of multiple tall trees. The mana and spirit energy in this area is very low compared to the rest of the forest. The scariest thing to David is how the noises that were constant within the forest all disappeared.

David looks around searching for what may be the cause of these unusual events. " David let's leave now. The thing you're looking for is dangerous," Malin says. She tries to warn David. He only smiles and looks at her. Malin pouts in annoyance. She realizes that David knows some of her abilities. " How did you know I can do that?" Malin asks. "It's simple really. You are the system guide. The being that is literally the system itself. So how can the system not know everything that happens on the planet that it has control over?

I'm sure you know the location of every dungeon hidden or not. You definitely know where all treasure chests are and all the treasures this world holds. Just like how you know that the 'Abyss Slave Crest' is not on Gai. You said it's on Pandora...right," David says all of this with a smug smile. David has this information because he had read the novel. Although it wasn't directly said or mentioned. David made his own theory because of some events that occurred in the novel. Malin can only face-palm herself. Realizing that she had told David about her abilities.

Although she didn't say anything and it was David that figured it out. She still feels dumb for leaving such an obvious clue. David suddenly heads in the direction of a particular tree. The tree is around 30 meters tall. " Crack! Crack!" with pure force. David breaks some of the protruding roots of the tree. Soon a tunnel is revealed. David looks at Malin with a smug smile. Malin feels irritation at the sight of David's smug face. " Swoosh!" David slides into the tunnel. After a few seconds of sliding down the tunnel. David reaches the bottom. David finds himself in a completely dark cavern with no light source.

Because Davide is a werewolf. The lack of light does not affect him. Werewolves can see in the dark and with all the super senses, even going blind wouldn't be much of a problem for them. David looks in front of him and finds a pair of massive double gates. " Are you sure you want to go in there?" Mali asks again. " Of course, I'm not sure but I trust my instincts. They are telling me this place is special in some way." David says with confidence. "Pah!" Malin smacks the back of his head and says. " You idiot that's not what in talking about. Look at your clothes." hearing these words.

David looks at his beginner clothes only to find them in tatters. He is practically left naked. "Hahaha! this must have happened when I slide down the tunnel," David says with a laugh. " Get dressed, now," Malin says with clear irritation. " Why should I? Don't you like what you see?" David says. He then proceeds to pose for her while flexing his muscles. Malin did not seem impressed. David realizes that his joke did not work. He then puts on the body suit 'Obsidien Black'. Obsidian black is a skin-tight sleeveless one-piece suit. It looks like what typical American superheroes would wear. Just like the name implies it is all black with some silver line patterns.

David then wears the legendary pair of daggers, the gloves, Morgan's neckless, the boots, and Arkane's vault. With each piece of equipment, he puts on. David has to bind the equipment with his energy signature. [Do you wish to bind with Crimson bolt, Magic touch, Morgan's neckless, Blits blades, Obsidien Black ... YES or NO ]. David accepts without hesitation. David then takes out the shirt Jonathan was wearing and his pants. Unfortunately, because Jonathan's equipment is tier 3 David can't use them. That means currently David has no bow for his arrows. David keeps the other equipment ready in his inventory. If the situation arises he can summon them any time he wants. " Status!" David says in his head.

(Author note: This is David's full stats with nothing hidden. Later on these stats will be shortened and the hidden stats tag will stay hidden)

NAME: David Ford

RACE: Human[ NON-RANKED], Werewolf[PLATINUM], Mutant[???]

LEVEL: 1(0/200 EXP)

HP: 353500

MP: 353500

SE[spirit energy]:353500

EXP: 23546000

Stat points: 2930

Skill points: 62

Wealth: 10802570 gold coins

CLASS: Weapon specailist[Platinum, swordsmanship, dagger mastery], Mage tier 1[Platinum sub class], cultivator lvl 10 chi gathering[ Master], Divine Champion[ Legendary]


Transmigrator[legendary], AKO's biggest fan[???], Cursed gear master[ gold], Jinxed by Alakshmi[legendary], Favored by Tyche[legendary], Mutant[pertaily locked], First champion player [ Legendary], Lucky star[Divine],

locked], [locked],[locked]... x8

STR:3500[+ 1750 from energy constant][+3500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+350 from title 'mutant'][+10500 from Ascension body][+35000 from equipment]=54600

AGI:3500[+ 1750 from energy constant][+3500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+350 from title 'mutant'][+10500 from Ascension body][+52500 from equipment]=72100

VIT:3500[+3500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+350 from title 'mutant'][+10500 from Ascension body][+17500 from equipment]= 35350 VIT; [ regenerate 22400 HP per/min with natural regenration][ regenerate 44800 HP per/min from trait regeneration][regenerate 224000 HP per/min from equipment]= 291200 HP regenerates per/min

END:3500[+ 1750 from energy constant][+3500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+350 from title 'mutant'][+10500 from Ascension body][+52500 from equipment]=72100

PCT:3500[+7000 from trait beasts instincts][+3500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+350 from title 'mutant'][+10500 from Ascension body][+17500 from equipment]=42350

INT:3500[+3500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+350 from title 'mutant'][+10500 from Ascension body]= 35350 INT; [regereates 22400 mp per/min with natural regeneration][22400 MP per/min from passive cultivation][+17500 from equipment] [regenerate 224000 MP per/min from equipment]= 268800 MP per/min

ST: 3500[+3500 from title 'cursed gear master'][+350 from title 'mutant'][+10500 from Ascension body][+17500 from equipment] = 35350 ST; [regereates 22400 SE per minute with naturally regeneration][ 22400 SE per/min from passive cultivation][regenerate 224000 MP per/min from equipment]= 268800 SE per/min




WISDOM: 100%[ Due to the passive werewolf cultivation method]

PHYSICAL RESISTANCE: 15% (+50% from equipment)

MAGIC RESISTANCE: 5% (+50% from equipment)

SPIRIT RESISTANCE:5% (+50% from equipment)

ELEMENTAL RESISTANCE: ice 5%, dark/shadow 10% ( all elements+300%+ lightning +500% )


CRITICAL DAMAGE: 100%[normal CD], 200%[x2 CD]



Summon cursed gear[A] lvl 1, Swordsmanship[SS] lvl 10, Basic hand-to-hand combat[E] lvl 1, Basic dagger wielding[E] lvl 1, Mana shield[E] lvl 1, Mana bullet[E] lvl 1, Mana blast[E] lvl 1, Mana manipulation[SSS] lvl 10, Spirit energy manipulation[SSS] lvl 10, Daze[c] lvl 1, Sword intent[SS] lvl 1. Armed and Dangerous [SSS] lvl 1 (new), Blood path[SSS] lvl 1 (new), Werewolf transformation[SSS] lvl 1 (new), Fire ball[D] lvl 1 (new), Earth spike[D] lvl 1 (new), Backstab [C] lvl 1 (new), Curse of blindness [C] lvl 1 (new), Power punch[C] lvl 1 (new), Golem creation[A] lvl 1 (new), Force fist combo[A] lvl 1 (new), Raigin slash[A] lvl 1 (new), Frost shad impact[A] lvl 1 (new), Fallen sparrow[A] lvl 1 (new), Battle franzy[A] lvl 1 (new), Quick shot[A] lvl 1 (new), Shock blot[A] lvl 1 (new)

[locked],[locked],[locked]... x50


Energy constant, Werewolf cultivation[Master grade], Energy sense, Charming person, Champions charm,

Ascension body(new[From chapter 22 achievement reward]): This skill gives the user an increase of 300% to all stats. All forms of training will yield 10x more the usual.

Arkane eyes(new): This passive allows the user to see the secrets of mana and spirit energy. It gives the user clear sight of both energies in their fundamental structure.

Dual wielding(new): The user can naturally and instinctively wield dual weapons with ease

Nature child(new): Increase the user's affinity with all basic elements to the max.

Poison resistance(new): Gives the user immunity to all harmful substances below legendary grade.

Curse resistance(new): Gives the user immunity to all curses below S grade

Full of vigor(new): This skill increases the user's base stamina by 1000% and strengthens their life force.

Mind of the ocean(new): This skill increases the user's base stamina by 1000% and strengthens their life force.

Telekinesis(new): This skill allows the user to have full control over their mental energy and how it's used. No mental attacks below an S grade will affect the user.

[locked],[locked],[locked]... x20


Class ascension, Strength in numbers, Mathematical mind, Werewolf sense of smell, Beast instincts, One with the pack, Regeneration, Warroir of the moon, Baserk, Super hearing, Loved by lady luck[ weakened], Loved by the mistress of misfortune[weakened], Champion's might

[locked],[locked],[locked]... x12

[PATK]: 54600

[MATK]: 35350

[SATK]: 35350

Seeing his stats makes Davide feel amazing. The moment his stats went passed 15000 He felt like he would fly up into the sky. His senses expanded to the whole cavern and the surrounding forest. Everything within a 10000-kilometer radius is within his senses. David's regeneration has gone beyond anything before. Now he can regenerate himself from 1 HP to full health within 2 minutes. His energy regeneration is so fast due to the equipment that David now has no fear of ever running out of MP or SE.

He can sense and see the magic runes and circuits on the big gate. If given a few minutes David is sure he can crack the secrets of the gate seal and use it for his own benefit. Thus David spent a few minutes completely learning the secrets of the gates. After that was all done he reaches for the gate and taps his finger on its surface. A ripple of mana leaves his finger and spreads through the whole gate. Although the gate would originally just open if David touched it. But it would teleport David to a trap designed by the dungeon.

Yes, that is right, behind these gates is a dungeon. This dungeon is also a tier 1 diamond tier dungeon. Although David can't tell what level it is, he is very excited. This time with David's own magic he modified the teleportation location to the first floor of the dungeon. Although David doesn't have perfect control since this is his first time doing something like this. He did it successfully. The dungeon gates open as they reveal a portal. " Let's go, Malin, our first proper adventure starts now," David says. Malin smiles at him and sits on his shoulder.

" Then let's go. I did warn you about this place so don't regret ignoring my words" Malin says and they walked into the portal. Little did David know. The moment he entered the dungeon. The originally blue portal turned red. What does this mean for our brave adventurer? Will he be ok or not? Find out next time as the journey continues...cough, cough I mean find out in the next chapter of 'Webnovel Rewards system: AKO'