The Trivial Matters of a Couple

Speaking of it, considering the length of time they had been in contact, if you looked closely, it was true that Lu Si had been more proactive in this relationship.

Mei Shu had always maintained a somewhat distant attitude.

What they knew, what they could investigate, was Mei Shu's past. But as for Mei Shu in the present, they knew nothing.

Mei Shu was entirely different from what their investigations had revealed.

The more they interacted, the stronger Lu Si felt this way.

The stronger it got, the more he wanted to get closer to her.

However, Mei Shu unexpectedly uttered those words, causing ripples in his otherwise calm heart.

Although Lu Si didn't show it on the surface, even Jiang He could sense it.

His Master Si was genuinely interested in Mei Shu, and he had likely just been rejected by her, which was why he was now asking these inexplicable questions.