Friends' Meeting

Wen Miao considered Mei Shu a close friend and naturally wanted to be a part of her social circle.

As for Mei Shu, although Lu Si had a somewhat special status, it wasn't to the extent that he couldn't be seen in public. They had no unnecessary entanglements, so there was nothing to hide.

They had already confirmed with each other earlier that they only considered each other as ordinary friends.

This arrangement suited Mei Shu well and made her feel more comfortable in this relationship.

The restaurant wasn't too far from where Jiang He and the others were, just a ten-minute drive, so Wen Miao didn't have to wait long to see Mei Shu's friend as she had mentioned.

A few idle waitresses had gathered at the entrance of the restaurant.

It wasn't mealtime, so there weren't many customers coming and going, and the staff were all a bit lazy.

As they chatted together, the glass door of the restaurant suddenly swung open from the outside.