Speaking Frankly

Since Lu Si had said this, Jiang He naturally wouldn't further meddle in his boss' affairs.

He watched as Lu Si became increasingly restless. By the time they were having dinner, his expression carried an air of wanting to say something but holding back. However, Jiang He pretended not to notice, stood by the side, and didn't attempt to intervene or give him a way out.

After dinner.

The Lu family gathered on the sofa with Zhou Li to chat and have tea.

Mei Shu was left out, but it would be impolite to leave now, so she passed the time by playing a quiz game with her system, winning a good amount of money from it.

When Mrs. Lu felt the time was right, she put down her tea cup and looked at Mei Shu. "Mei Shu, come with me. I have something to discuss with you."

"Mom, whatever you want to talk to Shu'er about, I want to be there too!" Lu Yan almost stood up immediately to speak.