Don't Misunderstand

Mrs. Lu found the girl's words displeasing and didn't want to continue the conversation with her. Annoyed, she waved her hand impatiently. "Since I've told you what I should, there's no need for you to stay any longer. In the future, I hope you'll keep your distance from my son and Zhou Li. As for the means you used to chase away Wang Yue and Mei Mu, I hope you won't let Zhou Li know, so she won't be influenced negatively."

Mei Shu, who had been planning to leave, suddenly halted upon hearing this and coldly looked at Mrs. Lu. "I'm sorry, Auntie, I don't care about what you've said before. However, your statement about me chasing them away, I can't accept."

"Isn't it true?" Mrs. Lu sneered and said disdainfully, "You made quite a spectacle with the online video, sending your half-sister and your stepmother to prison. Can you honestly claim to be innocent in all of that?"

Mei Shu silently moved closer to her, nearly pressing their bodies together.