Viewing the Ending

In the moment before losing consciousness, Mei Shu vaguely saw a familiar face.

When she woke up again, her body was in intense pain, causing her to inhale sharply despite herself.

But unexpectedly, she felt very warm at this moment, completely unlike the coldness she experienced when fleeing alone on the ship in her pajamas.

She opened her eyes to a dimly lit cave, where a fire nearby emitted warmth, brightening the entire cave.

Thinking of the face she saw before fainting, Mei Shu tentatively moved her fingers, trying to sit up from the ground. The thick layer of dry straw beneath her was already damp from sweat sticking to her body. As she rose, the straw fell off with a rustle.

"You're awake? Don't move! Your wounds were just bandaged!" Feng Wei put down a jar she found from somewhere and hurried over to support Mei Shu back onto the straw.

"You helped me treat my wounds?" Mei Shu asked hesitantly.