Fight like A Trapped Beast

Mei Shu now understood why she could easily infiltrate the top floor.

Because the real masters had been moved here, waiting to catch her!

She had been too careless!

She had forgotten that Zhang Jiao was in their hands at this moment. For survival, how could Zhang Jiao not reveal the fact that she could phase through walls?

"Miss Mei, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes today, I'm afraid I would never believe that someone could possess such abilities!"

The man in the lead walked over with a smile. Although he was talking to the air, he was very sure that Mei Shu was in front of him.

Mei Shu smiled helplessly and had the system cancel the invisibility. When her body was fully visible, she raised her gloomy eyes to meet his gaze. "People who know too much usually don't live long."